Story thread.


Well-Known Member
Pretty simple..i start it off and then you add to it?

A dark night, unlike any other loomed on the quite planet we called Earth. She grabbed the glass which harbored the sweet drops Cognac to warm her lonely heart. She stepped outside to watch the stars but to her suprise no stars were to be seen in the night sky. This surprised her seeing as there were no cluds and in the open country side there wasn't nearly enough light to flush them out of sight. She checked the whether on her computer and it reported clear skies with the glistening stars above but none to be found in the skies above her. She started to worry eventhough she thought she shouldn't...but she did...she knew that something was wrong......

continue on if you wish...take it to a humrous side or remain with the serious tone i have started...anything you wish.
She stood on the front porch, filled with worry while looking out at the woods. She watched the trees sway slightly in the breeze....and then she felt it. He was there, watching her. She focused on a patch of trees ahead and saw his glowing eyes staring out at her. She gasped with both excitement and fear because she knew he had plucked the lights right out of the sky to see her better. Oh how she longed for his cold, inviting touch, his amorous kisses, the feel of his body pressed up against hers.....
But then suddenly the winds of past swept her terrified mind and she remembered and said to her self "hold up, why am i worrying about that two timin, triflin bastard"...she then procedded to call Sheniqua and Shanaynay and they went shoe shopping..o nand um.. the stars were still not out but then...drunken mimes.....

*dun dundun*
........never really work if you can't stop talking, and talk she did, about everything, about nothing. Her meaningless soul blabbed f**k-all to the world. Or was it really nothing? Sanity can only be seen by the insane, or the deliciously wicked. That was what it was, what he was. A shadow looming in the darkness......slowly approaching......reaching a strong hand out to her........
the hand lightly touched her face but then quickly moved to her hair, grabbing it hard.....pulling her head back in an unsightly way. she looked ugly there, in the moonlight, a pained expression, dull grey eyes, parted lips that were dry and cracked. he leaned in close and smelled her scent.........
breaky said:
the hand lightly touched her face but then quickly moved to her hair, grabbing it hard.....pulling her head back in an unsightly way. she looked ugly there, in the moonlight, a pained expression, dull grey eyes, parted lips that were dry and cracked. he leaned in close and smelled her scent.........

he then procedded to grab her lipstick and make dashes of red paint across his face as if he was ready to battle in the greatest of yet to be fought wars.
and the words came from his lips "you are meaningless, you worthless creature, you don't interest me at all, so go!.....
he fell in a vat of diet pepsi and realized his father was Geraldo Rivera. She then thought about how much a "baker's dozen" really is and the gross profit of IBM last year. Just then, a strange man wearing nipple rings and a "Leave It To Beaver" hat leaped down 36 flights of stairs, ran in the room, and said, "You goddamn keeds took muh tractor!". So she grabbed a frying pan and...