Strange bedfellows


Southern Discomfort
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - The Kiss Army fan club has an enthusiastic new recruit: Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Rice was in the Swedish capital Thursday for an international conference on Iraq. Kiss had a sold-out concert to play Friday.

"I was thrilled," Rice said of her late-night encounter with Kiss frontman Gene Simmons and bandmates Paul Stanley, Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer in the executive lounge of the Sheraton Hotel where they signed autographs and handed out backstage passes and T-shirts to her staff.

"It was really fun to meet Kiss and Gene Simmons," she told reporters, noting that they seemed well-informed about current events. The band had asked if she could stop by after she finished dinner with the Swedish foreign minister and Rice readily agreed, she said.

Rice, a classically trained pianist, said she has eclectic musical tastes ranging from Beethoven to Bruce Springsteen.

Hard rockers such as Kiss are included in the mix, and Rice said her favorite Kiss tune is "Rock and Roll All Nite."

But, Rice conceded, she has never seen the band in concert.

From yahoo news story

I knew there was a reason I liked her...
Rock and Roll All Night... that song to KISS is a lot like Bohemian Rhapsody is to Queen, or Float On is to Modest Mouse... everyone knows that band did that song, but would be surprised to know how many other songs the band did.
Devil's advocate could say that the reason everyone can attribute that song to them is because it is their best by public opinion...hence why she stated it as her fav. Although I believe I agree with your sentiment.
It's possible she's heard their entire catalog and that song is just her favorite of them... I'm trying to decide if my favorite is "Love Gun" or "Strutter '74."
I'll stick with Deuce m'self if I had to hear just one.

Fortunately, I can hear more than just one though. Life's been good to me in that regard.

Hey, it beats watchin' two tons o'Tipper waddling around onstage while Fleetwood friggin Mac wafted out of the speakers.
God of Thunder or Detroit Rock City...followed closely by Cold Gin.