Strange rolf smiley problem...


Well-Known Member
Using Konqueror that smiley is all spastic.
But when I pull up the page with all the
smilies on it, they are like in slow motion.

Reckon I need a different video driver?
well it may be this crappy processor (k6-2 533)
It seems to be fine on a PII400.
Must be something to do with the cache size.:confuse3:
It's because of the massive amount of smilies on the page when it goes slow and the small amount of smilies on the page when it goes fast. I don't think the rofl smilie has a specified speed limit, so to speak, so the browser just animates it as fast as it can.
Well I found out, eventually, after finding a white paper on it,
that no version of mandrake will run right on computers with
a motherboard w/VIA chipsets, and K6-2 processor combinations.
Mostly the chipset. They've never figured out a good workaround
for it.

VIA sux.:( for linux anyway.