Strange Solar Eclipse on May 31


Well-Known Member
A partial eclipse of the Sun surrounded by strange circumstances is on tap for Saturday, May 31 and will be visible in parts of North America, Europe and the Middle East. The event could be quite spectacular at sunrise in Europe, especially in the United Kingdom.

The most impressive aspect of the event will be an annular, or ring eclipse, so named because the Moon’s disk will be too small to completely cover the Sun’s disk. The result is a ring of fire surrounding the black circle of the Moon. It's like a dull penny sitting atop a shiny nickel.
If you have a scope or binoculars all you have to do is cover the lens completely preferably with some dark paper or something that reflects light, then simply poke a hole through the paper with a small needle. You'll be amazed how well this works even with a cheap pair of binoculars.
Yep, I like the shadow box trick too. All you need is a cardboard box and a sheet of paper.
Sure, but with the scope and mask, I can clearly make out the prominences. Nothing quite like watching live, a burst of flame bigger than the entire planet launching out.
HeXp£Øi± said:
True. I did that with my 10" reflector once.

When I was in 6th grade one of my friends' dad brought his 16" Schmidt-Cassegrain for the solar eclipse at the time (very nearly total) . It was unbelieveably awesome to see the sunspots and flares in realtime. Its just like in the books and videos, but completely different--quite a rush. :headbang:
It is. You've never seen the moon either until you look at it through a large scope like that and to veiw it you have to look all the way from one horizen to the other with your eye. Awesome!
I can't imagine a 16". That has more than twice the light gathering power of my 10".
4am! Actually make that 5am BST. And only 3 Degrees above the horizon.... I'm not sure if I will be able to see it from here - to many houses in the way. :(

I'll sort out a pinhole camara anyway... just in case. :)