Stuck in the middle...


Well-Known Member
You radicals on both sides just make each other more fanatic.
You've all gone mad...

Don't let your emotions cause you to forget that you have a brain to think with.
...I went to McDonalds today and ordered FRENCH fries....

they were good....the new ones, freshly hot you almost can't pick them up.

These fries I laid out on a napkin, and they made an oil slick of the whole thing. I could feel the oil from the fries I had eaten working in my heart, even as I watched the remaining ones glisten on the destroyed napkin. It was a neat feeling, like when you get a tiny little bit of really poisonous weed or bug killer on your fingers, and you know you shouldn' KNOW that it'd be bad to ...taste...that. To ingest it....but you do it anyway. You don't want to..but you HAVE to. The fries are just as poisonous...and just as compelling...

You can light these fries on fire....they burn far better than you think they good that it's nearly disturbing.....



French fries.....


We know you love'em. And if there's anything we can do about it... there'll always be all the fries you'll ever want & need.
I went overboard yesterday in my frustration with flavio. I normally wouldn't have posted the pics, especially with those titles.

I'd like to apologize to everyone, except flavio, who I still think doesn't get it.
Gonz said:
I'd like to apologize to everyone, except flavio, who I still think doesn't get it.

Hey man, I can't stop laughing at this moment. That was kind of cold, but still funny nonetheless. LOL literally!