Study: 1 out of 4 homeless are veterans

Well again your magicals insight would be wrong.

Prove it.

These injured and disabled men and women represent the most grievously wounded group of returning combat veterans since the Vietnam War, which officially ended in 1975. Of more than 5 million veterans treated at VA facilities last year, from counseling centers like this one to big hospitals, 48,733 were from the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Many of the most common wounds aren't seen until soldiers return home. Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is an often-debilitating mental condition that can produce a range of unwanted emotional responses to the trauma of combat. It can emerge weeks, months or years later. If left untreated, it can severely affect the lives not only of veterans, but their families as well.

Of the 244,054 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan already discharged from service, 12,422 have been in VA counseling centers for readjustment problems and symptoms associated with PTSD. Comparisons to past wars are difficult because emotional problems were often ignored or written off as "combat fatigue" or "shell shock." PTSD wasn't even an official diagnosis, accepted by the medical profession, until after Vietnam.

There is greater recognition of the mental-health consequences of combat now, and much research has been done in the past 25 years. The VA has a program that attempts to address them and supports extensive research. Harrison is one of 50 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars hired by the VA as counselors for their fellow veterans.

'It takes you back there'

Post-traumatic stress was defined in 1980, partly based on the experiences of soldiers and victims of war. It produces a wide range of symptoms in men and women who have experienced a traumatic event that provoked intense fear, helplessness or horror. (Related story: Iraq injuries differ from past wars)

The events are sometimes re-experienced later through intrusive memories, nightmares, hallucinations or flashbacks, usually triggered by anything that symbolizes or resembles the trauma. Troubled sleep, irritability, anger, poor concentration, hypervigilance and exaggerated responses are often symptoms.

Individuals may feel depression, detachment or estrangement, guilt, intense anxiety and panic, and other negative emotions. They often feel they have little in common with civilian peers; issues that concern friends and family seem trivial after combat.

The problem could grow worse with the return of many troops from Iraq and Afghanistan suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injuries, conditions that put them at high risk for homelessness, the report says.

The VA has said 45 percent of homeless veterans have some kind of mental illness, including many with PTSD.
These injured and disabled men and women represent the most grievously wounded group of returning combat veterans since the Vietnam War, which officially ended in 1975. Of more than 5 million veterans treated at VA facilities last year, from counseling centers like this one to big hospitals, 48,733 were from the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Combat Vetrans...

And again I've already expressed to you to that homeless vets have difficulty working with VA.

Me said:
Do you have any idea what percentage of vetrans actually have been shot at? ... no you don't, its quite low.

48,733 of 5,000,000 = 0.97% in 32 years., for your benifit we'll call that a 50 year period.

So you talking of less then 1% in the last 5 years.

12,422 have been in VA counseling centers for readjustment problems and symptoms associated with PTSD

Here you go, see how many of these associated symptoms people you know have.

Diagnostic Criteria for 309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

A. The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both[/B] of the following were present:
  • The person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others.
  • The person’s response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Note: In children, this may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated behavior.
B. The traumatic event is persistently reexperienced in one (or more) of the following ways:
  • Recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note: In young children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed.
  • Recurrent distressing dreams of the event. Note: In children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content.
  • Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative flashback episodes, including those that occur on awakening or when intoxicated). Note: In young children, trauma-specific reenactment may occur.
  • Intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
  • Physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
  • Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma.
  • Efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma
  • Inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma
  • Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities
  • Feeling of detachment or estrangement from others
  • Restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings)
  • Sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a normal life span)
D. Persistent symptoms of increased arousal (not present before the trauma), as indicated by two (or more) of the following:
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Irritability or outbursts of anger
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Hypervigilance
  • Exaggerated startle response
E. Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in Criteria B, C, and D) is more than 1 month.

F. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

  • Acute: if duration of symptoms is less than 3 months
  • Chronic: if duration of symptoms is 3 months or more
  • With Delayed Onset: if onset of symptoms is at least 6 months after the stressor

Source, DSM-V, on my PC

yeah brother/sister, ever feel sad? Did you know feeling sad is a symptom associated with several dozen mental illnesses? It certainly is understandable how someone could have symptoms related to PTS and a dozen other completely unrelated disorders.

Of those Dx'ed with PTSDO in fifty years (32 actual), mostly peaceful years (~80%) With the premise of being at war 100% of the time one expect aprox. ~2% per year, and more so in the last 5years since the refinement of the diagnostic criteria with the DSM-Vtr

Yeah, good polling there brother . . .

Since were such pals, I got some magic beans I'll sell you for the low price of 1-Bill Clinton Sandwich (thats a loose-meat sandwich)

On the other hand, stigma associated with being a soldier, combat or otherwise is universal. When you accuse soldiers of thing like killing innocent people, invading peace loving mosques and raping the women etc ad nausium.

Now heres the funny part. I'm not talking about a diagnosis, I'm talking about cause and effect. Something that exacerbate the condition, any condition that is chornic and persistant. doesn't matter, either way your wrong.

Really little fella, you have not clue, again.

I can't wait to tell my therapist about you . . . shes gonna laugh her ass off, you're gonna be the main topic. :eek3:

The truth is: I'm waiting for you to ask . . . why I treat you *piss3* like an incompetent boob.?
Naw, I'm not trolling, thats quite different from what I'm doing. :finger:

You're doing nothing but trolling. Insults in every post, blathering, and nothing substantial to talk about.

"The most universal issue id Post Traumatic Stress" was the claim I made while you claim their biggest problem is people that don't support the war.

So now that I backed up my claim with research and you have not where do we go from here?

Well I suppose you could make up some shit about me accusing soldiers of rape which never happened or you could actually base your comments on things I actually did say.

We both know that will never happen because as you've proven in this thread all you're interested in doing is fabricating a non-existing something to rail against and making childish insults.

The only point I made in this thread I backed up with a couple sources. You have done absolutely nothing but make "cause i say so" claims in return and go off on weird tangents and insults.

Could you just try acting like an adult for once and making a little sense? I don't care about your therapy.

Really, I don't.
Agenda-driven OP.

Are you
spike said:
.... mostly just trolling for flame wars

I call Bush Derangement Syndrome.

A story from a biased source about Vets being homeless on a day when we honor Veterans' service to this country. :rolleyes: Where is the media's concern for Veterans the other 51 weeks out of the year?

spike said:
it's a shame that this many vets are homeless

At what point in time did you notice your concern for Veterans?

yahoo said:
The Veterans Affairs Department has identified 1,500 homeless veterans from the current wars and says 400 of them have participated in its programs specifically targeting homelessness.

Why would only roughly one third of those classified as homeless vets by the VA show up for aid? It is available but not accepted by a majority. They don't know about it??

Why are the other 3 out of 4 homeless people in America homeless? They would rather be panhandling bums, depending on welfare? Don't tell me they do it by choice. Everybody wants a steady job, commitments, obligations, and a place to call home, don't they? Who doesn't??

spike said:
....while you claim their biggest problem is people that don't support the war

Yes. It is. Do you like to be in that minority?

RM said:
. . . these folks drop out often because they "feel as-if" everyone holds their service in contempt, thus them in contempt. They hide from the world.

On the other hand, stigma associated with being a soldier, combat or otherwise is universal. When you accuse soldiers of thing like killing innocent people, invading peace loving mosques and raping the women etc ad nausium.

“The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.”
George Washington

SIERRA VISTA — Veterans are an integral part of American society, but too often they are not recognized for what they have sacrificed to keep the nation free, Maj. Gen. John Custer said.
A story from a biased source about Vets being homeless on a day when we honor Veterans' service to this country.

Yahoo and Associated Press are a biased source now. That's a little paranoid. :rolleyes:

Same story is available from quite a number of sources.

Also the story was posted Nov 7. Not on veteran's day.

At what point in time did you notice your concern for Veterans?

Always had it. When will you get some?

Yes. It is. Do you like to be in that minority?

Nope, already shown that it's PTSD. Also, the great majority does not support the Iraq debacle.

Check your facts before posting next time.
Why are the other 3 out of 4 homeless people in America homeless? They would rather be panhandling bums, depending on welfare? Don't tell me they do it by choice. Everybody wants a steady job, commitments, obligations, and a place to call home, don't they? Who doesn't??

Some are in fact by choice.
then there's.....
mentally incapable
just sorry and lazy
then there's the 'temporary set backs' that have had misfortune/ natural disaster and such. (or other physical that ins didn't cover...)
There are many things that contribute to a 'situation'.

The tough part is indeed the process of how, who , or if you want to judge,
and by what criteria.
You really are don't get it do you?

I was not refering to you actually saying we raped women in the mosque, I was referring to your attitude of subversion and the willy-nilly crap you post that is wrong..

You're absoulutly correct, you've offered nothing. as usual. 'PTSD' and 'PTSD associated' are two very different things.

While I've laid out facts, you laid out news stories. A clue on that also, AP sells news stories, that might explain why its on other news sites.

I love to see you play the victim thoo, as it has been foretold you would.

I understand you oppose the war, its laughable thoo that you can never express it of you own intellect but vicariously with news articles.

My point stands, people like you exacerbate the problem with homeless vets with constant using of them as a tool. The end justify's the means attitude.

I will hold you accountable for what you post, what you link, what I interpret your intentions are. Failures on your part to clearly qualify and quantify your statements will be addressed.

It my belief that that sebversion you presnt is a problem that for too long has been tolerated, I will address it accordingly. -NO quarter.

Oh . . . . and . . . quit being such a whinney little pussy.

Some are in fact by choice.
then there's.....
mentally incapible
just sorry and lazy
then there's the 'temporary set backs' that have had misfortune/ natural disaster and such. (or other physical that ins didn't cover...)
There are many things that contribute to s 'situation'.

The though part is indeed the process of how, who , or if you want to judge,
and by what criteria.

TRue dat!

0.0000002% may actually be of sound mind and have the abilty to not be homeless.

homeless have zero assets to work with, the effort appears to them as hopeless (adn granted it is incredibly difficult with nothing to do anything)
Always had it. When will you get some?

Do you consider yourself a patriot? that you love your nation itself (read: not the politicians, but the nation itself)

"END THE OIL-WAR" -That does not qualify.

Show me how you support the troops.

  • Have you donated money to causes that send them personal non-war items like baby wipes playing cards, abd other persona items? I do.
  • Do you even own a flag that you haven't burned. I do, several.
  • Do you ever proudly display your flag. I do, I even flew them under Bill Clinton.
  • Have you ever thanked a vetran or service personel for their service. I do, regularly.

So tell me, what you do to support the troops?

spicoli said:
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine.

“The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.”
George Washington
What was your purpose to post it in advance of Veteran's Day--if not to try to diminish the occasion and portray Bushco as the badguy once again?

The article was written in advance of veterans day. Where's the problem exactly even if they had written it on veteran's day? Really WTF?

I never mentioned Bush.
willy-nilly crap you post that is wrong..

If only you could prove something wrong instead of me proving you wrong.

While I've laid out facts, you laid out news stories.

You've laid out you're own opinions, I've laid out facts supported by available information. Now if only you could actually back up your claims.

A clue on that also, AP sells news stories, that might explain why its on other news sites.

No shit. That was the point I was making to Cerise. Who apparently thinks it's some AP conspiracy to get homeless vets more help. :laugh:

I love to see you play the victim thoo, as it has been foretold you would.

I'm not playing any victim. Just pointing out your shortcomings.

I understand you oppose the war, its laughable thoo that you can never express it of you own intellect but vicariously with news articles.

I express my points with my own intellect and can also back up the things I say. If only the things you say could be backed up with facts.

Failures on your part to clearly qualify and quantify your statements will be addressed.

When are you going to start that?

Oh . . . . and . . . quit being such a whinney little pussy.

There's the childish insults again. Quit your trolling and grow up already. :laugh:

Your whole response to this thread is unsupported claims and lame insults. Are you capable of having an adult conversation?
Do you consider yourself a patriot? that you love your nation itself (read: not the politicians, but the nation itself)

"END THE OIL-WAR" -That does not qualify.

Show me how you support the troops.

  • Have you donated money to causes that send them personal non-war items like baby wipes playing cards, abd other persona items? I do.
  • Do you even own a flag that you haven't burned. I do, several.
  • Do you ever proudly display your flag. I do, I even flew them under Bill Clinton.
  • Have you ever thanked a vetran or service personel for their service. I do, regularly.

So tell me, what you do to support the troops?

All of the above. My company is also currently doing a long term project with the navy to improve base security.
Trying to support the troops on the home-front.

open-ended statement . . . What exactly do you question? Do you think I'm a phoney? a liar? Don't parse your words, spit it out, what are trying to say Freako?

I wonder if you are merely stating it to try to get at Spike. The flag wavers tend to be more pseudo patriots than true patriots.