Stuff You May Have Not Known


Well-Known Member
In this thread I ask for facts to be posted that are not widely known.

For example, lightening is hotter than the surface of the earth's sun. See? It is pretty easy!

Now you post some!

This should be fun and very informative...
Saffron comes from a well known spring bloomer, crocus:


Only the red portion is used and not much is yielded from one flower. Which is why it's so expensive.
XeF[sub]6[/sub] (xenon hexaflouride, I believe) is the most common compound containing an inert gas. What the hell's it's good for, I haven't the slightest.
The joys of a low-flow toilet on a septic system with only a two-foot drop:

My toilet requires I hold the handle down for several seconds until the bowl's just about cleared out for it to flush properly; however, when I do that it pretty much always gets everything down in one try unless the turd gets lodged in the exit chute sideways. When that happens, I have to let the bowl fill back up and wait for it to float back up and turn a bit until it's just at the right angle to go down the chute. Too soon or too late and it will just lodge in there sideways again.
Did you all know that if you take a black sock and put salt in it and heat it up and put it behind an ear that has an ear-ache, it helps with the pain...

Inky........we really didnt need to know about your turds going down sideways.... :lol2: :D
Related to Gotholic's: Human beings give off more heat per square inch than the sun (the sun has a lot more square inches though).
Gotholic said:
The U.S. supported terrorism in Cambodia...

I think a lot of folks knew that one. ;) Not so many any more though.

A geographically correct (done to scale) globe of the earth that's half a meter in diameter has to be smooth as glass and more perfectly round than a bowling ball.
Gene Simmons of the band KISS was born Chiam Witz, of Hungarian/Israeli Jewish descent, and studied to become a rabbi before...well, you know...
...before he realized nubile young babes like bass players with long tongues?
The official motto of Possum Lodge is the pseudo-Latin phrase Quando omni flunkus moritati., which translates to "If all else fails, play dead.".