Stupid Make-work stuff at work


Well-Known Member
It's not my fault, but I get to fix it anyway.

Imagine creating a 4-part NCR form, getting the signatures needed to OK it, getting 6,000 printed and delivered. Now imagine someone out of the original loop coming along and saying "Hey this is wrong"

Now...instead of admitting an error and biting the cost of a reprint, they decide. "The GDesign guys aren't doing anything importnat. Let's get them to print up 24,000 mini-labels and hand-place all of them over the error"

That's my job for the next few days. :p
If I was being paid to unplug toilets, that's what I'd be doing and grinning and bearing it. This is a waste of my time and is going to delay other projects, which'll tick off other people who'll come to me. Sure, i can send them to the original guy who decided that this was my job, but if i send too many...

Shrug-grin-bear it. PITA!
Update: OK…so the other GD dude and I managed to stick about 800X4 stickers onto forms (all saying CBA2)… now…someone upstairs changed their mind about the code in the system. It’s now supposed to read CBAII.

So…we have to cross out the ‘2’ with a pen and handwrite II instead on all the ones that we did already, reorder 24,000 new labels and continue our job.

MrBishop said:
Here's the Cherry on the cake: Total savings (not counting man-hours) - $1100

Counting man-hours $4500 net loss

Not entirely true. Your cost was already budgetted and didn't add any charge. Not to mention that your pay comes out of an entirely different budget in the first place. Remember working at the army base? How much time did we waste sitting around yakking on the clock, simply because it was budgetted that we be there, even if there wasn't anything to do?
Not entirely true. Your cost was already budgetted and didn't add any charge. Not to mention that your pay comes out of an entirely different budget in the first place. Remember working at the army base? How much time did we waste sitting around yakking on the clock, simply because it was budgetted that we be there, even if there wasn't anything to do?

And they probably expecting that all the other revenue producing work you could have been doing instead was still getting done as well.I bet you get in shit when all "your " work isn't done by the expected deadline.:evilgrin:
Remember working at the army base? How much time did we waste sitting around yakking on the clock, simply because it was budgetted that we be there, even if there wasn't anything to do?

i had a job like that many years ago ... running a small loss-making food outlet /cafe thingy at a nightclub as part of a wider catering contract ..and also partly because of bar licensing laws ...

we had all the greasy food we could eat, a TV ..a nightclub or three etc ..started doing deals with fresh pizzas for beer with the barstaff/ managers and with security ... the odd busy night "in da ol' window'' routine blind eye ... :grinyes:

used to smoke then ... feet up on the counter, smoking and drinking .. going off to the club ..playing pool ...

still, mostly it was a mind numbingly boring job - and you go off the food after a while ...

plus i was working mornings elsewhere at 6am, developing the business in the day, then doing this evening job till technically 230am ...

at onetime i had this late afternoon caretaker job as well - that was easy, mind - turn up have a chinwag, make some toast and coffee, empty about 12 bins (paper) - wander round ensure windows shut etc, lock up

but doing the latenight, the early morning the main gig in the day the afternoon and the latenight again all got a bit much!

Mind they were all easy gigs - but even sleeping on the job 50% of the time, you get tired...

many years ago ...

Can't you get a work experience lad in Bish? ..or two - surely as a graphic designer it's crazy you sticking on thousands of labels ...
Not entirely true. Your cost was already budgetted and didn't add any charge. Not to mention that your pay comes out of an entirely different budget in the first place. Remember working at the army base? How much time did we waste sitting around yakking on the clock, simply because it was budgetted that we be there, even if there wasn't anything to do?
I'd agree, except that there are three projects on hold while I do this. Projects that (once printed) will help the salesmen sell more effectively... not to mention fixing the web-site... all of which are on hold until this is done. My immediate bosses can't do SFA about it because the tasker is their boss.

We're talking two missed deadlines, including one for a magazine (tomorrow). Plus what the other GD is missing.

Thing is, for the big guy...advertising and marketing is a money-hole only... zero we're not that important, despite the fact that half the sales leads come from the web-site and catalogue combined.

The on-the-road sales dudes bring in the rest... the difference? They have the new cars, the golf-memberships paid, paid lunches and suppers and the case of my immediate boss...a free apartment. The GDs? Nada.
"If you see peace, prepare for war"? Something along those lines?

Si is 'if', pretty simple.
'vis' is one of the tenses of "video" which is "I see"
'pacem' is the accusative of 'pace' which is 'peace'
'para' is, I think, the second person of "paro" which is "I prepare"
'bellum' is the accusative of 'bellum' which is 'war'

How many years of latin did it take to figure that out? like two.
So ... what magazine ... and what web site? I'm in the market for some artillery.

IN this case, Canadian Railway Magazine - seems that Canada will be spending $37million to upgrade their rail security and it'd be nice to get a chunk of that, by advertising out cameras, metal-detectors, BP-vests, cuffs etc...

Our own web-site... neither the other GD nor myself know Filemaker Pro enough to change stuff, and that's how our web-database runs. PITA.

The last ad I did with guns was/will be the December issue of BlueLine (Cop mag), where there were 5 handguns, one lvl 4 holster and some ammo. *Full page/full bleed
"If you see peace, prepare for war"? Something along those lines?

Si is 'if', pretty simple.
'vis' is one of the tenses of "video" which is "I see"
'pacem' is the accusative of 'pace' which is 'peace'
'para' is, I think, the second person of "paro" which is "I prepare"
'bellum' is the accusative of 'bellum' which is 'war'

How many years of latin did it take to figure that out? like two.

In this case vis = seek (look for)
If you seek peace, prepare for war.
Without googling it, I don't know...but I know that my bro-in-law uses it as his signature as well :)

*Edit: Offhand...I'd say, Rome.