Stupidity Incarnate

A.B.Normal said:
Wheres a "Stupid Bitch" smilie when you need it

:bitchslap *close
:tardbang: she probably didn't read the side of the pack of smokes... :lloyd:
should have drew her a diagram...
noise is bad for unborn babies? oops.
*wonders on the effect of zydeco music on an unborn marlowe.
freako104 said:
why is she smoking and worrying about her baby? its been pretty available info what happens
She left her crack pipe in the house???
Oddly enough...some doctors will recommend that a women not quit cold-turkey if she gets pregnant and already has a heavy habit. The stress caused by nicotein withdrawl might harm the child more than continuing the habit (albeit at a reduced rate). :shrug:

Weird, eh?

As for loud sounds...I've heard this before. Loud sounds can cause brain damage to fetuses (in the high decibel rate) because of the fact that liquids accentuate vibrations and sound in vibrating air. Loud noises (like fireworks) can even be felt as physical impacts. Jackhammers are very loud!
brownjenkins said:

he'll come out partyin' :dance:
actually, it was a buncha lousiana kingfish. great band that does oodles of free shows. :D...oh! and a doug stone concert that i won tickets too...although i do love doug stone :blush: