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Where do you stand in respect to letting kids have a lot of sugar when they're young?

What I mean is, when I was 10 or younger, we had almost no sugar available to us. We ate Cheerios for breakfast (plain or maybe with some banana slices), the only soda in the house was my father's and we weren't allowed to drink it, no candy, and limited snacks here and there like Pop Tarts or those things that I can't remember the name of-they were like big cookies but the cookie part was chocolate covered and it had soft marshmallow in the middle.

Anyway, I'm 31 now and I'm a big time sugar fiend. In the large coffee that I get from my deli, I take four teaspoons of sugar plus four packets of equal and that's just the tip of the iceberg. My best friend Bobbi always has sugar, candy, soda in her house and her kids dip into it but they don't abuse it, they're healthy, and they're slim and fit.

So what do you think, does denying it in childhood only make you worse as an adult? Is it ok in moderation? What did your parents do, or what do you do with your kids?

I'll go back to eating my bowl of Lucky Charms now. :D
hmmm...I'm about the same, gf, I also went bonanza on fast food in my twenties cause I never got that either. As far as my kids go, their main foods have little to no sugar, their favourite cereal is All Bran of all things :lol: but there are snacks, and I make desserts - cakes and cookies and whatnot here and there, I don't freak out when they get sugar.

caffeine, mind you...:eek6:
I don't deny my kids of sugar, just soda. Soda to them is a special occasion.
I make sugar trails off into the woods in hopes my kids will follow them and get lost.....:retard:
i had all the sugar i wanted when i was a kid, not much sodas thou.
Erp... well I guess I'm a little young, but still, as a kid, I pretty much got to eat whatever choccies and such I wanted (all I had to do was nag for it) but it was hardly ever overdone.

But now (like especially in the last few months) I've pretty much completely gone off sweet things (like I'll have a nibble of some chocolate, and that'll be too much for me and I'll give it to my sister or someone) :shrug:
i've cut way back on sugar and almost eliminated caffeine from my diet and i notice the difference. when i have kids, at least soda will be a rarity. a professional chef I know once predicted that in his lifetime osteoporosis will become widespread amongst men, a result of all the soda people drink.
The less sugar in your diet the better. It kills your immune system and does other bad things to put it mildly.
i drink at least one soda a day, i eat sugary crap for breakfast, i'm a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig fan of carbs and starches..... mm! bread! 'tatoes!! corn! MMM!!!
i eat whatever the crap i want.

yeah, i'll be diabetic someday alright :headbang:

i used to eat a lot of sugar but now i'm down to next to nothing. i rarely eat sugary breakfast cereals, nothing but healthy stuff for lunch and there's nothing sweet in my fridge.

from 3-4 chocolate bars a day i'm down to maybe 2 a week, from 6-10 cans of coke i'm down to nothing at all. i do have a weaknes for crisps [chips to some of you] and i'm a bastard pasta fiend :D
I grew up on Pepsi, and then Wild Cherry Pepsi, and then Dr Pepper. I'm about the same now. I don't drink coffee, so I don't add any sugar to it.
I've pretty much try to lead by example, though mostly based on my likes, in that, I don't eat much else besides what I believe to be tasty, healthy foods.

As a rule, I don't snack, don't care for chips, cake (bakegoods, candy, etc), don't drink soda/coffee, pretty much jus' water & 100% fruit juices..............

Even though my children don't find sweets in my house, they really don't seem to miss them nor ask for them very often, though I occasionally ask them if they'd like an ice cream or other snacks, an' they rarely say, "no".

I agree with ya Greenie, it does seem that whatever the 'forbidden' fruit is, in the house of a child, it seems to become the thing we crave the most. (pretty much true of all in life, I find)

I've known folk who deny their children of much of what we all enjoy, an' it does seem to make them respond with excess when the opportunity finally affords...........

Other folk spare no measure of sweets/snacks from their children who seem to tire of such abundance, an' even grow to dislike such things.

From a child's perspective, I think it most difficult to understand why our parents could have the things which we craved though we could not........guess, 'cause they we bigger than us.:D