Summer gas?

Given that it says NG vehicles can reduce CO2 emmissions by 20% it seems very likely that they may have already accounted for workload differences. Therefore it may be that they took the tailpipe readings, applied workload differences, and came up with a 20% decrease.

Hence the assumption you made was unfounded. Maybe you should write CARB.
Given that it says NG vehicles can reduce CO2 emmissions by 20% it seems very likely that they may have already accounted for workload differences. Therefore it may be that they took the tailpipe readings, applied workload differences, and came up with a 20% decrease.

Isn't that exactly what I said in the first and secon paragraphs of my previous post?

Hence the assumption you made was unfounded. Maybe you should write CARB.

I don't need to call them. You are the one with the questions. I already know the answers and have tried to impart them to you. I have given you a qualified professional source to get a second opinion. The rest is up to you.

Post what you will, there will be no further responses to this.

Over and out.