Summer's over!! Kids are in school!

I have no more babies.........



How come you're only doing 11 hours of classes? I did between 25-35 hours per week in my first year (3-4 papers per semester - approx 3 1-2 hour classes for each, plus one three hour and/or tutorial).
11 hours of classes plus 9.5 hours of lab. And that's going by credit hours, not by actual time. It doesn't include the two seminar classes I have, or the two-a-week "quiz" classes (where I take tests for various classes), and that's another 4 right there. I also have summer classes, since I'm effectively squeezing six or seven years of school into four.
I hated seeing those in high school... especially when they need to take it on stairs, they never lift it up, they just pull it behind them and have it bounce on every step.
Schoolbags on wheels ... how pathetic is that?
Never seen such a thing here. I think they'd be ancouraged to get a "proper" school bag pretty quick. Except the first year kids, they get one from the State road.. summit.. Nice and orange with reflecors, so they'll be visible along the road. (Most kids live within a walking distance of the school)
In highschool I could have done with a school bag on wheels at times...I used to carry around a lot of books...
Thanks Mark =D.....but it's been no vacation. The PTA Committee I run has it's busiest time at the beginning of the year and I am room mom for both girls classes so right now I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt.
Rob and I both have been working on projects for the school all week :nuts:

It'll quiet down soon enough though once we get the class directories made and get the t-shirt designs set and orders out.
Once you have kids, there are no "adult vacations". If there are, it might be wiser to look into having a cat.
I love kids, so long as they ain't my responsibilty, when they are then I mostly like them....

I've a friend who says I am missing out by not having any. My counterpoint is she is missing out on not having kids, She thinks she knows both sides, but as she was 17 when she had her first I assure her she does not anymore than I do..... :D
I was 30. Both sides are right. Only, one has to have a family to get the full experience.
He's right again, the second time in like a month!....Once again, well you know the drill....


The preceeding is an attempt at humour, and is in no way meant to constitute any actual opinion.
I move in Monday, start Wednesday. My schedule looks something like this:

HIST 465 (0101) The Renaissance

EDUC 310 (0201) Inquiry into Education

SPAN 201 (0401) Intermediate Spanish I

ECON 102 (0701) Principles of Macroeconomics

HIST 421 (0101) The American Civil War