Super Bowl XXwhatever


molṑn labé
Staff member
For the first time in my life, I hope an NFC team wins.

Tom Brady should go away now.

That is all.
If team A wins, then people in Boston are happy.

If team B wins, then people in New York are happy.

I'm gonna watch Gods & Generals tonight.
People from Boston are evil and their sports teams are the personification thereof. :D
I couldn't care less which team wins.
That being said, I'd like to see NY win simply to ruin the Pats perfect season. hehehe

But as far as sitting and watching, no. I found a good movie that starts soon after the game, so that's on my to do list. I will check on the game every once in a while.
People from Boston are evil and their sports teams are the personification thereof. :D
Put pressure on Brady & he loses his cool.
You thought he lost his cool? I thought the defense didn't give him or the rest of the team time to do what they usually do. I thought he remained quite cool throughout, I just thought the Giants executed better. :shrug:
The difference is, when Brady is not getting hurried, hit or sacked, he's damn near unstoppable (remember their 2nd scoring drive). He's not had that problem all year. I heard some ex-NFL player mention that & he was right.

Brady is a great QB when the chips are in his court. Most are. He falls to really good when he's getting bumped around .

Eli looked like a highschool player but he pulled it out when it really mattered.
I thought it was a good game. I like the Packer's, so it didnt matter who won to me.But I was routing for the Giants. Im happy with my decision and happy for them.

Brady did take a beatin though, hehehehehe
And they coulda won if he didnt over throw the ball most of the time.
I thought it was supposed to be something like 46-23 .....

One of the Giants players predicted a 28-17 score before the game and Tom Brady was all butt-hurt at the idea of them only scoring 17. Turns out that was an optimistic prognostication.