Super Bowl XXXIX commercials.


Well-Known Member
Well here at the end of the first quarter
my vote is for the GoDaddy commercial.
"might I suggest a turtle neck"
Hey a half-time show that don't need a
'wardrobe malfunction' to be watchable.

with songs we all know the words too
The National Anthem didn't sound like an tribal spiritual & the game wasn't a blow out or complete bore.

I liked the Mustang Convertible ad, twice. By the third showing it wasn't funny anymore. Overall, the ads were so-so at best.
FedExKinkos with...

a celebrity, an animal, cute kid, dancing animal, talking animal, beautiful girls, post ad bonus, and optional spotlighting of the product.
i liked the one with the cat, the spaghetti sauce and the guy holding the knife.
Erm ours kinda sucked.....we had a boring hyundai ad, a michelob ultra ad and a KY jelly ad.....maybe a few more so I'll run with the KY one :D
unclehobart said:
FedExKinkos with...

a celebrity, an animal, cute kid, dancing animal, talking animal, beautiful girls, post ad bonus, and optional spotlighting of the product.

I saw that one before I left, it was cute. Heard about the Mustang one but haven't seen it.
What scares me is budwiser is coming out with a new brew that is supposedly going far off the deep end of light in that they claim a clean, crisp taste with absolutely no aftertaste. It sounds like tap water.
unclehobart said:
What scares me is budwiser is coming out with a new brew that is supposedly going far off the deep end of light in that they claim a clean, crisp taste with absolutely no aftertaste. It sounds like tap water.

No, that would be Coors Light. :lol:
Spot said:
i liked the one with the cat, the spaghetti sauce and the guy holding the knife.

The only one that made me laugh out loud. Overall, it was a bumper crop of blah.
Thanks for the link AB.

Frankly, I missed the whole damn thing...couldn't get reception at all :(

I think that my Da taped it for me...I might be able to see the game itself on wednesday :(
A.B.Normal said:

Thanks AB!

I had it on about 10 different channels (digicable) but all of them were various fox stations from across Canada...I get a few stations out of Atlanta but I guess none that ran the I didn't get the american commericials on TV (first time I cursed Digicable and wished for satellite was last night)...I'll watch those when I get home this afternoon.
Oh crap go here and watch the
Full "Web Only"Censorship Hearing LMAO

"Speaking of accidents I think I just had one."

Man she looks all the world like Ali Landry's younger sister

Hey AB - can't get that stupid IFilm to work properly with Realplayer... serious stalling. Any recommendations?