Superman physics

Haven't ya ever noticed? when superman lifts something heavy, such as a plane by the wing, why don't the wing break off? stopping a car by the bumper, surely a bumper is so flimsy it'll just snap off? When he swoops and saves people don't ya think the g force would knock em out or even break their neck?? Also, just HOW invulnerable is he?? i mean i've seen him get hit by missiles and lived but in another instance he could possibly get killed by a flimsy pole another kryptonian was wielding?? (supes II) These inconsistencies really tick me off :D
According to the comics...he's actually got a force field around him which encompases whatever he's wearing (protects the suit from burning off of him, tearing etc...

This field covers what he touches and cancels inertia.

This is the latest explanation for it...but dag,'s a comic book hero. No reality in comic-reality.

By all rights, Daredevil should be bald from the radioactive green slime that fell into his eyes, Spiderman too, and the Hulk...Gamma rays...sheesh!

**In my personal self-defence, I LOVE comic books, and still own over 3000 of them in plastics and boards :)
I know of the force field, but most explanations i've read/seen say its just a few millimetres thick and can only really protect someone either holding him tight or encompassed by his body. I don't know when exactly this little trick came about, was this pre crisis virtually invincible superman or post crisis?
If it made sense he wouldn't be SUPERman, he's be "really strong guy with xray vision & who can fly-man"
I always hated how the Hulk would beef out to 5 times his normal mass and yet end up with cutoff jeans shorts that leave nothing to the imagination. Reality should have had him in the nude every time... or squirming on the ground in shock from the utter lack of bloodflow to the lower half of his body.
Oh god, Hulk, so many times i've argued when i was a teen on various BBS's that Doomsday would pummel him to a green pulp, hell Doomsday even killed superman once (though they both perished in the fight if you don't know the story) and once you kill him you'll never be able to again as he 'evolves' beyond you the next time he regroups.
All that comes to mind right now is the old joke about all of Superman's Girlfriends now belonging to the 'mile-high' club...that is, that's how far up they flew when he came :)

That's just sick
MrBishop said:
All that comes to mind right now is the old joke about all of Superman's Girlfriends now belonging to the 'mile-high' club...that is, that's how far up they flew when he came :)

That's just sick

Jeez. Is that the best you can manage?

How about Johnny Storm going to the doctor complaining of a burning sensation whenever he uriniates? Or that permanent grin plastered to the Susan Storm Richards' face every morning?
Well, I'm a small-town boy with a heart of gold,
Not to mention heat vision and breath that's cold,
I've got super strength, I'm immune to pain,
But I'm weak in the knees around Lois Lane.
She's got a sexy walk, and the bluest eyes;
Her clothes are all painted onto her thighs.
She's got great taste, so I just don't see
Why she's in love with my costume, but not with me.

I can change the course of rivers, bend steel in my bare hands,
But none of that hokey macho stuff makes me feel any more like a man.
I'm faster than a speeding bullet, I'm tougher than a moving train,
But why leap a tall building in a single bound,
When I'd rather jump Lois Lane.

Well, I'm a nice, easy-going kind of guy,
I've got mild manners and my wit is dry,
But it doesn't ever seem to matter what I say,
'Cause Lois never gives me the time of day.
But when I fly the city in my blue and red,
She'd risk the whole world just to get me to bed,
But that's not the way I want to let her get my bod,
It's not making love, it's seducing God.

I've told her a thousand times, we can never risk normal sex.
If I lose control, we could get David Cronenberg to do the special effects,

I'm faster than a speeding bullet, I'm tougher than a moving train,
But why leap a tall building in a single bound,
When I'd rather jump Lois Lane.

Well, I'm sick of all the supervillains poking fun,
Just because I'm still a virgin at age thirty-one.
I don't like the names that I'm being called,
I couldn't care if Lex Luthor's always been more... bald.
I'd love to let Lois know the way I feel,
To let her know the man underneath the steel,
But she doesn't want to have a thing to do with me
Unless I'm out bashing baddies in my Bee Vee Dees.

I've had it with the hero biz, frustration has got me down.
Why should I bother with saving the city when I'd rather be painting the town?
I'm faster than a speeding bullet, I'm tougher than a moving train,
But I'd throw it all away in a minute if I
Could just once get the jump on Lane.