Sure has been quiet..


Well-Known Member
...since the war began. Looks like we'll be in Baghdad between 24-36 hours. Expect those airstrikes to atleast double in the morning imo. We only saw maybe a few hundred this morning. That's only a portion of what we have prepared.
actually..I think there were over 1K weapons expended today...

But I also think you're right about double tomorrow. MSNBC cites sources as saying 2K tomorrow....

....honestly, I wouldn't have thought there'd be that much left...


HeXp£Øi± said:
Expect those airstrikes to atleast double in the morning imo.

Airstrikes are never agood idea during daylight,even the F117 is then visible.Right now the Iraqis are firing into the air hoping to hit something ,in daylight they can see their target,very bad thing.
A-10 are spiffy for tanks.. which they are sorely lacking in at the moment. I remember them all being pulled off for SCUD hunt duty in the first war... what a waste. More A-10s were shot down than any ther type of aircraft in the first war, no?

a question -
so...this is purportedly about them having WMD's...

have any actually been found yet?
the news went on and on about forces having taken possession of an airport or some such where the Regime were thought to be keeping them...

has anyone heard that any, or even any physical evidence have been found yet?
a-10s are great tank killers but bog-slow. not surprising a few more of them got hit.
They've fired like 7 SCUDs so far at Kuwait. SCUDs were on the very first list of banned gear. Right now were just swallowing up terrain. It will take a few more days for the engineers and science corps to digest and dissect bunkers and buidings. It would stand to reason that the cream of the illegal sciences would be deep in the interior, inside the no fly zone of old and relatively near Baghdad and up towards Turkey. One the western horn of Iraq near the Jordanian border becomes more secure, the munitions stockpiles can be dissected and ferreted out. That will probably yield a certain measure of chemical munitions.

Allied general Tommy Franks was just asked about itand he just said that they do have reliable intel that it pointing them to certain... blablabla... deep interior... ahead of us instead of behind us.
A-10s are armored through the teeth and can survive on one engine and direct hits from 37mm AAA fire. Its a solid workhorse meant for an up close slugfest. Speed is secondary to its stability.
Airstrikes are never agood idea during daylight,even the F117 is then visible.Right now the Iraqis are firing into the air hoping to hit something ,in daylight they can see their target,very bad thing.


I mean in the morning here which is night in Baghdad.
Whatever they're using, they're big noisy bastards! And they sound like they're in my living-room - I'm only about 40 miles from Lakenheath, as the crow flies, so they are still relatively low when they fly over us.
Leslie said:

a question -
so...this is purportedly about them having WMD's...

have any actually been found yet?
the news went on and on about forces having taken possession of an airport or some such where the Regime were thought to be keeping them...

has anyone heard that any, or even any physical evidence have been found yet?

'Fraid you're wrong in the first place. The UN resolutions were about WMDs. This is about regime change. Has been since the first shot was fired. I imagine the US and UK were willing to let Saddam stay in power if he wasn't dangerous. Since the UN was unwilling to control him, they decided to remove him. Sort of like a dog. If he can't be controlled, he get's put down.
My dollar says we'll find chemical weapons in Baghdad. Saddam has pulled everything military that means anything back to Baghdad thus far so i have every reason to believe that would include chemical weapons or wmds.
A-10s a re tank-killers with a useful secondary as AAA killers. They can be shot to shit & back before they fall from the sky, hell of a useful & cheap plane.

The war is because saddam has WMDs & didn't destroy them, as agreed. He was also in violation of 1441, more than twice. Hans just couldn't admit it. He wants his pension. Although, there is more than a grain of truth to regime change & why, per Prof.

Don't worry Aunty, we only kill the good guys on the battle field, not over friendly cities :D
Gonz said:
Don't worry Aunty, we only kill the good guys on the battle field, not over friendly cities

That may be the intention but so far we've had more fatalities from accidents than combat and all involving aircraft! :(