

New Member
:rolleyes: Well all, Wednesday the 12th is the big day. Going in for surgery, Hysterectomy. Hopefully the mass on the ovary will be benign. I'll be on here up till tuesday night, after that not sure, they say i'll have to stay a night or two. Please just say your prayers.
A night or two...that'll be a short stay! Best of luck!

I'm sure the surgery will go fine, it's fairly routine. Be prepared for a fairly long-ish recovery with pain though, my mom was off for over a month after her hysterectomy. Essentially the doctor said pain is to be expected because they're removing a large piece of your body and the rest of your insides have to re-adjust to it being gone.
You'll be just fine.

Cause I said so.

POOF......stress gone....:D ....thats cute, cause i said so.
I'm nervous like i said, wish i could make it go away ya know. This stuff doesnt happen to me. And being the major hypercondriak (spelling?) I am.............thinking the absolute worst

Thanks all
A night or two...that'll be a short stay! Best of luck!

I'm sure the surgery will go fine, it's fairly routine. Be prepared for a fairly long-ish recovery with pain though, my mom was off for over a month after her hysterectomy. Essentially the doctor said pain is to be expected because they're removing a large piece of your body and the rest of your insides have to re-adjust to it being gone.

No smokes and a cath. is the worst, their doing a bladder tuck at the same time.
Wow, already at home? :hug:

It will go away, slowly, but it will go away.
Madame, the fact that you are in pain & able to type on a computer means the most important thing happened, You lived.
Hey all, yes I lived Gonz. Thank God.
I took my laptop to the hospital, tried to get online but was really groggy, still am. Just popped on to say hi. They let me home yesterday, got home about noon. Won't hear from pathology till monday or so. Just resting and have family helping me right now. Keep all posted. Gonna nap though now. Miss ya all.