Surprise! Koran burner idiot is a radical nutcase

o.0 - ??!?

Hunh, cato? How'd you get that from what I posted?

No, I don't want him dead. I don't even want him silenced. I most of all don't want him getting the firestorm of press-time that he's been getting. If the press hadn't decided to run with in in a sensationalistic way, the event wouldn't have caused the stir that it has.

It would've been a local matter dealt with locally, probably by the fire-chief.
"Sorry, but you can't have a bonfire there. Find somewhere else."

The Pastor would've burned the books and nobody but his very small congregation would've been the wiser.

I blame the press for making this a world-wide event with commentary and consequences far beyond it's relevance.
I didn't get that from anything you posted.
I was just asking.
You know....that how we get to know each other.

Do you consider him an enemy?
What's up with the "want him dead" and "hara-kiri" comments?

He's a crazy idiot, but I don't think anyone was suggesting kill all crazy idiots.
What's up with the "want him dead" and "hara-kiri" comments?

He's a crazy idiot, but I don't think anyone was suggesting kill all crazy idiots.

oh, there are some calling for his death.
I just wanted to Know where everyone stands on it.
This, along with, and or the NY mosque thing are going to get uglier.
Count on it. This isn't the last you'll hear on burning. Maybe from this pastor, but...

stay tuned.
I didn't say he had anything to do with the towers falling, although i think he's very much related to the event now. Thre imam is building a victory monument to the event and treating us if it he doesn't' get it.

The piccy? i just thought spike might like to *fap-fap-fap* to it.


Some more *fappage-foto* for my terrorist loving little buddy.

Allah hu Akbar1
building a victory monument to 9/11? bullshit.

haven't you read anything the imam has said?

nah, forget it. you'd rather stew in your hate.
I'm not surprised you would buy what he now says or succumb to his threats of reprisals.

Yes I have read what the Imam has said, both in the past and recently. After weighing the information against what I have seen worldwide, I simply believe his true motives are for the benefit if Islam alone, not the for infidels of my United States.

Theating us that if he doesn't get the Mosque there will more attacks? -- I say fuck him, let them show their tolerances and love of peace.


America does not want.
He is muslim who believes we should have Sharia law, blames America for 9/11, and supports hamas and has threatened my nation with more attacks if he doesn't get his mosque.

Again, I think he should fuck-off. The next congress should purchase the building by eminent domain as part of the trade center memorial.

i watched that video. the remark incited laughter. he compared five tenets of sharia to the declaration of independence. he's not talking about the sharia of the arabian peninsula, where sharia reflects the brutal and PREISLAMIC tribal law more than anything else. but don't let reality and history get in the way of your pathetic and disgusting pogrom.