Sweet... but irritating.


This guy is my neighbor.

Neighbor as in we live in a duplex and he lives in the other half.

Our entire yard has been taken over for the last couple of days by PEOPLE and PEOPLE and more PEOPLE and those people's CARS and ugh...

He's a sweet guy. I feel for him.

Sweet...........but irritating!
This guy is my neighbor.

Neighbor as in we live in a duplex and he lives in the other half.

Our entire yard has been taken over for the last couple of days by PEOPLE and PEOPLE and more PEOPLE and those people's CARS and ugh...

He's a sweet guy. I feel for him.

Sweet...........but irritating!

You're from Erie? I would've thought somewhere on the West Coast, with your particular brand of ranting...:p
If those people do not know him they should let him recover in peace...a card or email sends the same message.
This is such a small town that he's pretty huge right now... so everyone has to come around and take pictures and shit with him just to be cool. He eats it up... he wasn't exactly popular before.
This is such a small town that he's pretty huge right now... so everyone has to come around and take pictures and shit with him just to be cool. He eats it up... he wasn't exactly popular before.

Makes me wonder whats going through the minds of the people. Are they doing it to honor his sacrifice, to welcome him home, or to assauge their guilt for having ignored him for so long...:devious:
I just sorta ignore the whole thing. I don't support the war, and if someone's stupid enough to volunteer to join the army and go to war, if something happens to them... it's a pity... but I'm not about to kiss their feet. Yeah, you could say he was injured fighting for my rights, life, freedom, whatever... but actually he wasn't. None of them are. They're there because Bush is a sack of shit. The war is stupid, and when he joined the army, the war was in full swing... so he knew exactly what he was doing.

Personally, I think he's thrilled. He wasn't even the tiniest bit popular before... he was actually creepy as hell and had 1 friend if that. But now he's mr injured soldier! He's got such a big head he was a complete asshole to my sister who, since we found out that he was shot in the first place, talked about him every single day. WAITED for him to come home so she could see him.

The troops deserve respect for what they do, I'm not denying them that... I actually support them by not supporting this stupid war.
I just sorta ignore the whole thing. I don't support the war, and if someone's stupid enough to volunteer to join the army and go to war, if something happens to them... it's a pity... but I'm not about to kiss their feet. Yeah, you could say he was injured fighting for my rights, life, freedom, whatever... but actually he wasn't. None of them are. They're there because Bush is a sack of shit. The war is stupid, and when he joined the army, the war was in full swing... so he knew exactly what he was doing.

Personally, I think he's thrilled. He wasn't even the tiniest bit popular before... he was actually creepy as hell and had 1 friend if that. But now he's mr injured soldier! He's got such a big head he was a complete asshole to my sister who, since we found out that he was shot in the first place, talked about him every single day. WAITED for him to come home so she could see him.

The troops deserve respect for what they do, I'm not denying them that... I actually support them by not supporting this stupid war.

Strange. In the opening sentences, you say he's stupid, but then you turn around, in the last sentence, and say he's deserving of respect. Which is it? :rolleyes:

Like any other segment of society, there are intelligent folks, average folks, and stupid folks in the military. I'll grant you that one, but you seemed to paint all of us in uniform as stupid. I'll give you a short rebuttal for that one...as soon as you can explain yourself in an insightful manner.
They all deserve respect because of what they do... they're fighting a senseless war that the head idiot started. They're really just victims of a crappy president... but they're also victims of their own (stupid) decisions to join the army.

I don't doubt that there are many very intelligent people in the army, I just think that joining the army was stupid of them. Those that joined when there was no war going on, maybe not so stupid. But those that joined knowing about that clusterfuck going on over there, they're the stupid ones. Maybe they did it because they support bush and the war... that's stupid. Maybe they did it to be badass and go kill. that = stupid.... or like this guy... I'm pretty positive he joined just to seem cool. That = stupid.

In general, war itself is stupid. Unavoidable in many cases, but still stupid.
They all deserve respect because of what they do... they're fighting a senseless war that the head idiot started. They're really just victims of a crappy president... but they're also victims of their own (stupid) decisions to join the army.

I don't doubt that there are many very intelligent people in the army, I just think that joining the army was stupid of them. Those that joined when there was no war going on, maybe not so stupid. But those that joined knowing about that clusterfuck going on over there, they're the stupid ones. Maybe they did it because they support bush and the war... that's stupid. Maybe they did it to be badass and go kill. that = stupid.... or like this guy... I'm pretty positive he joined just to seem cool. That = stupid.

In general, war itself is stupid. Unavoidable in many cases, but still stupid.

I'll restate the question...as you just don't seem to understand where I'm going to go with this...

In the opening sentences, you say he's stupid, but then you turn around, in the last sentence, and say he's deserving of respect. Which is it?
Both. And I just explained why. It was STUPID of him to join the army in the middle of a war, but the war has to be fought by someone, and I know I don't want to do it... so those that do, deserve respect. Doesn't make the decision to join the army less stupid. :)
Both. And I just explained why. It was STUPID of him to join the army in the middle of a war, but the war has to be fought by someone, and I know I don't want to do it... so those that do, deserve respect. Doesn't make the decision to join the army less stupid. :)

Just a bit of advice, and you can take this any way you like (hopefully the wrong way). Anyone who sits at home, under the defense of the people they call stupid for wanting to defend the country, should be taken out and beaten. They are clueless, thoughtless, and selfish people who have no point in their lives except to badmouth, criticize, and whine. They have done nothing to prevent what is going on, and are only too happy to condemn the results of their own laziness, inaction, and cowardice. Whether you like the war, or not, is not the issue here. Nobody...especially those of us actually in it, like war. If anything, I think anyone who didn't join up voluntarily is stupid, simply because they had a chance to do something, and decided that their life was too precious to keep the country strong...
Keep the country strong? Please. Everyone that joined during the war was looking to be a hero. They don't care about the country and the politics of the war and blabla... they want to be seen as macho, badass, heroic, or who knows what... anyone that knows that this war is just Bush trying to show the world he's got the big balls wouldn't be fighting it.

Now, I'd like to see some admin do something about those personal attacks that you so obviously made towards me. And if they don't... well then the argument a while back about favorites has just been settled. Let's hope the admin aren't that way after all :)
Error, stop insulting the armed forces. Gato, stop winding her up. Do you want me to bang your heads together?! [/mom]


Seriously though, Error, it's awful insightful of you to know the motivations of every single body who joins the military. How did you manage to become so ... psychic?

Ink? Gato wasn't exactly coming off smelling like roses either there.
Just a bit of advice, and you can take this any way you like (hopefully the wrong way). Anyone who sits at home, under the defense of the people they call stupid for wanting to defend the country, should be taken out and beaten. They are clueless, thoughtless, and selfish people who have no point in their lives except to badmouth, criticize, and whine. They have done nothing to prevent what is going on, and are only too happy to condemn the results of their own laziness, inaction, and cowardice. Whether you like the war, or not, is not the issue here. Nobody...especially those of us actually in it, like war. If anything, I think anyone who didn't join up voluntarily is stupid, simply because they had a chance to do something, and decided that their life was too precious to keep the country strong...

But they're not defending your country, if they were doing that they'd be IN your country. They're defending the oil supplies for the big conglomerates and they invaded another country to do it and now they're stuck in another Viet Nam situation... they're misguided victims of the administration... all that propaganda kind of reminds me of the first world war... how many died then?