swutting swut [swut2]


New Member
there i am, here at otc, minding my own business and moving the wife's pooter so she can use it, and my pc goes


so a quick reload later and the modems not working. it does this sometimes and just needs to be reinstalled [like it loses the drivers or somehting]
so, into admin mode, uninstall. rest. mid reload and


reload again and back into admin, reload modem and back into ris mode.

what i want to know is....WHY!?!!?!?!?!?!?!

swut swutt swuttttttttt landlord :mad2:
we had a nice....discussion...on it this evening :rolleyes:
that's why i was putting her rig back up, which lead to my machine going fubar. is see now it was all her fault :D