Syria could be next, warns Washington

Invading Syria or Saudia Arabia(referring to other thread)would turn all Arab states against the US.The US would no longer have anywhere other then their Military Bases in Iraq(you don't really believe Bush is going to pass up the opportunity to have permanent bases there do you?) and these would be susceptible(sp) to attack from all directions .I don't think Blair is willing to follow past Iraq,so US is on their own. Russia would also play a roll in that they would see the potential of the US controlling the source of their oil needs .Not saying the US won't do it ,but its gonna be a lot costlier than IRAQ in both man and economic stability.
Saddam sure did go to a lot of trouble to hide the fact that he didn't have any WMDs. If the son-of-a-bitch really had gotten rid of them, why did he stonewall the inspectors?

They'll be found. Give it time.
C'mon Ards...why is Bush stonewalling on producing the undisputable evidence of the whereabouts of these WMDs. Its political posturing to disguise the degree of 'bluff'. The bluff factor is very important in diplomatic negotiation and perception and NOBODY does it more than us.
Ardsgaine said:
Squiggy, I am not going to debate this issue with you anymore.

I guess Saddam convinced squigs that he didn't have them:rolleyes:

I am hoping he doesn't believe everything the information minister was telling him also which is the US has suffered deaths in the several hundreds as also they did not harbor WOMD's.

If they really were telling the truth about the WOMD's that would leave the other 95% of what they have said in the last 10 years as a lie it would appear.

Saddam knew what was coming. During the time that he was denying inspections was also probably the same time that he was shipping off womd's to Syria for he knew his time was up! By the time weapons inpections began most of the WOMD's were probably in Syria.

What better place that Syria to stash them. Right next to Israel. Syria has already said that Israel will get hit if we invade Syria. What will Israel get hit with?

WOMD's, time is up. They stock pilled as much of them as they could in as short of time as they could.

Can you think of any other scenerio?

I bet people in Israel are shitten their pants right now. You can bet alot of the EYES in the sky are on the Israeli/Syrian/Lebanon border.
Ards, I was serious. Its all political posturing. My reference was just to give a comparison. We do it more than others. Not just reps but dems too. That was in no way meant to be a condemnation