

Active Member
Spielberg produced mini-series on Sci-Fi... anyone else been watching it? It has spaceships and aliens in it, so Jan's insisted on watching it every night. I've been kind of half-assed following it in between posting to OTC. The most interesting thing about it is that it's doing a balancing act between whether the aliens are going to turn out to be nice (a al Close Encounters) or mean and nasty (a la Independence Day).
Yeah, it's called Taken, as in 'taken by aliens.' It starts with the Roswell crash, and follows a few families over about four generations. One family works for the government investigating UFO stories and trying to suppress knowledge of UFO sightings. Another family was visited by one of the aliens who survived the crash, and he begat a child with the mother. Another family is descended from one of the first people to be taken by the aliens, and they have a history of each of the male children also being taken.

It's very reminiscent of Close Encounters. The spaceships looks almost identical. The aliens look similar--standard alien :alien:-- but the ones in CE looked more benign. The ones in Taken often look very sinister, and they have the power to get inside a person's head in a very bad way, which they often use.

It's really that razor thin balance that they've taken between whether the aliens are good or bad that saves the show from being just another alien visitation/invasion flick. I just hope they come up with something good for the ending tonight. :eh:
I think it is pretty good. I really like the Sci-Fi channel, and I think its nice of them to support Spielberg in that way.
my mom said the same thing but i think i was a bit disintrested. i do think there are aliens dont get me wrong but all the stories i ahd heard from abductees made me wonder how real they were. so i went in there with that in mind not thinking it might be more realistic than "i was kidnapped anally probbed and they disected me."
Does anyone know the name of that Emmylou Harris song that ran through the credits at the end of Taken?
I think I would have liked this show, but I guess it's too late.

Didn't you hear the moon landing was a hoax though?