Talk of a draft grows despite denials by White House


New Member

The notice, which appeared on an official Web page for the Selective Service System titled "Defend America," explained: "If a military draft becomes necessary, approximately 2,000 Local and Appeal Boards throughout America would decide which young men, who submit a claim, receive deferments, postponements or exemptions from military service, based on Federal guidelines. Positions are available in many communities across the Nation."
I'd be all for a draft except for the deferments part. Everybody in the US has a vested interest in the defense of this nation, and I don't see why any able-bodied 18-year old isn't pressed into service regardless of his/her lineage.
Gato_Solo said:
Everybody in the US has a vested interest in the defense of this nation,

So send them to Iraq???

[edit]Going into the Iraq situation ,the U.S. government was very proud to point out its fighting force was voluntary[/edit]
i am completely against the draft AND i'm a veteran. this country was founded on freedom. forcing someone to fight for freedom is a horrible oxymoron.
A.B.Normal said:
So send them to Iraq???

[edit]Going into the Iraq situation ,the U.S. government was very proud to point out its fighting force was voluntary[/edit]

Tsk, tsk. Once more, the point is lost. I'll say it again, just for you.

Everybody who lives in the US has a vested interest in the defense of this nation. Rich, poor, powerful, and weak, we all have a vested interest in the defense of this nation. This has nothing to do with Iraq, and everything to do with equality. Have we forgotten that our former president was a draft-dodger, and the vice-president before his two terms bought his way into the National Guard? Pull your head out of Iraq, and into this conversation. ;)

Tonks, I agree, but, if there is a draft, I feel that everybody who is physically and mentally fit should be pressed into service.
Gato_Solo said:
Tonks, I agree, but, if there is a draft, I feel that everybody who is physically and mentally fit should be pressed into service.
AH! so we don't have the CCR fortunate son syndrome? i agree there.
tonks said:
i am completely against the draft AND i'm a veteran. this country was founded on freedom. forcing someone to fight for freedom is a horrible oxymoron.

I'd give ya karma for this, but I already did. Well said.
Leslie said:

the draft is so wrong *sigh*

Please expand. I have definitive thoughts (aren't you surprised) about this unless you mean it in a different way than written.
I would support a draft under certian circumstances but not at this point in time. I think the draft is something that shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary. I would first support legislation that gives the military funds geared towards increasing and procuring recruitment.
In my opinion a draft under these circumstances(an unpopular war) would ultimately be a disaster for our government. I also don't think there's a chance in hell that if Bush had this on his mind that the administration would dare bring it up before his reelection. There's no way he'd be reelected if the American public thought he had the draft on his agenda.
This has nothing to do with Iraq, and everything to do with equality.
I completely disagree. It has everything to do with Iraq because this is where hundreds of thousands of our troops will be going as the current troops are turned over.
Makes me glad i can claim Pacifism. *hugs Sweden:hug:* I hate the idea that someone should be sent to die on a battlefield against his or her will.
Kawaii said:
Makes me glad i can claim Pacifism. *hugs Sweden:hug:* I hate the idea that someone should be sent to die on a battlefield against his or her will.

ROFL Do you think that dying in your own front yard because everyone else had that same opinion is better?
Gonz said:
Please expand. I have definitive thoughts (aren't you surprised) about this unless you mean it in a different way than written.

I also have definitive thoughts (aren't you surprised) ;)

mainly...imagine the implications...both on me and the troop I were in should I or someone like me be drafted. I would not could not take part, I'd not only be useless but likely a detriment...I'd end up just sitting in the stockade for however long it took *shrug*

Considering the pain I feel watching humanity destroy itself and the earth we live in in the name of "right" - to be forced to take part in something like war...impossible...especially in one for which I have no respect whatsoever.

There are other ways to fight these battles PREEMPTIVELY (side note rather than just deciding that the leader we put in a couple years ago was a bad idea and we need to take him/them out and put in someone who will cave to us more how many times now?), and I proudly support those, laughable in your eyes or not.

If there is a draft I'm moving to Canada :lloyd:
im against the draft as i think it should be voluntary. some people have been drafted and didnt want to join the army
Anyone should be drafted to national defence or coast guard when needed. No one should be drafted the army to be sent beyond U.S borders, ever. Anyone with a quarter of a brain should realise this is what it should be like. And for the last time, the national guard and coast guard should NOT be under the control of the president. They have to be ruled by a completely seperate entity which can quickly organise and train for any situation but can't send them beyond borders at any time.

Bush can get away with a draft, he's rigged the election.