Talk of a draft grows despite denials by White House

HeXp£Øi± said:
There's no way he'd be reelected if the American public thought he had the draft on his agenda.

Maybe that's why the rumors are flying. So the American public will think he's got a draft on his mind, so he won't be reelected.
Professur said:
Ah, shit. Close the border, here come the americans.


Were you in Canada in 1974? That's when I turned eighteen. Would I have gone? Thankfully I didn't have to decide.
*realizes she should be seen and not heard*

*reminds the old farts that little pitchers have big ears*


I had a kick ass long response to Leslie & the goddman thing kicked me to a 404 error.

*stomps around like a pissed water buffalo*
Gonz said:


I had a kick ass long response to Leslie & the goddman thing kicked me to a 404 error.

*stomps around like a pissed water buffalo*

My voodoo worked! :rofl:
HeXp£Øi± said:
I would support a draft under certian circumstances but not at this point in time. I think the draft is something that shouldn't be used unless absolutely necessary. I would first support legislation that gives the military funds geared towards increasing and procuring recruitment.
In my opinion a draft under these circumstances(an unpopular war) would ultimately be a disaster for our government. I also don't think there's a chance in hell that if Bush had this on his mind that the administration would dare bring it up before his reelection. There's no way he'd be reelected if the American public thought he had the draft on his agenda.

I completely disagree. It has everything to do with Iraq because this is where hundreds of thousands of our troops will be going as the current troops are turned over.
You, too, HeX? Once again, popular opinions seem to overshadow the bigger picture. It has absolutely nothing to do with Iraq. Iraq is just a 'passing fancy'. I'm talking future, and you folks keep dragging the present into the picture. Iraq is already yesterdays news in war-planning circles. Let's keep focused, because this little action we're involved in right now has nothing to do with a draft in the future.
Puma said:
Anyone should be drafted to national defence or coast guard when needed. No one should be drafted the army to be sent beyond U.S borders, ever. Anyone with a quarter of a brain should realise this is what it should be like. And for the last time, the national guard and coast guard should NOT be under the control of the president. They have to be ruled by a completely seperate entity which can quickly organise and train for any situation but can't send them beyond borders at any time.

Bush can get away with a draft, he's rigged the election.

Ditto, if your country is invaded, let the draft begin, that is why you americans have that whole state mailitia, right to carry guns thing (IMO) to defend your country, a draft to send people overseas, to a country that is no real threat to you...not so much.

I understand the Draft in WWII, america was attacked, and the AXIS was a real threat. Veitnam, didn't understand that at all, it wasn't even a war (even though it was) it was a "policing action"
The Draft beats Conscription any day of the week.

Imagine the uproar if every American men and woman, upon turning 18, were forced to enter the military for a period of one year. Pacaifists would have a shit-embolism. :)

Please keep in mind that there's more to this issue than Iraq. Like said before, Iraq is a thing of the past. The 'war' is over and it's basically clean-up right now. Messy and violent clean-up but definatly not outright war.

Think North Korea....Million-man army. Nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and a maniac at the helm. He's just itching for a fight, ain't he? The issue is in the background right now, but for how long?

How many of you would think it a wasted effort to go against N.Korea if, for instance, they decide to move south into south korea? or east to Japan, or west into China, or North into the former USSR? What if they keep moving and use one or two of their nuclear weapons to take out...hmmm...Australia?

What if they decide to use their longer-range weapons and hit France or England...what if they Nuke the American soldiers in Iraq in an attempt to stifle the American army.

Sure...the Americans could always nuke back...but it would take an awful lot of nukes to take out N.Korea. Think about the fallout...prevailing winds would send that towards Hawaii and the American West coast.

So...a ground war? Who mans the ground war? Draftees!

Puma said:
Anyone should be drafted to national defence or coast guard when needed. No one should be drafted the army to be sent beyond U.S borders, ever. Anyone with a quarter of a brain should realise this is what it should be like. And for the last time, the national guard and coast guard should NOT be under the control of the president. They have to be ruled by a completely seperate entity which can quickly organise and train for any situation but can't send them beyond borders at any time.

Bush can get away with a draft, he's rigged the election.

Questions about the valididty of Bush's presidency aside, the armed forced MUST, eventually through chain of command, be under the direction of the President. If any branch of the military does not take orders from the President, we risk a rouge leader attempting to take power from the President with the use of his forces, much like we wee happen in third world countries time after time.

Gato_Solo said:
You, too, HeX? Once again, popular opinions seem to overshadow the bigger picture. It has absolutely nothing to do with Iraq. Iraq is just a 'passing fancy'. I'm talking future, and you folks keep dragging the present into the picture. Iraq is already yesterdays news in war-planning circles. Let's keep focused, because this little action we're involved in right now has nothing to do with a draft in the future.

I hear what you're saying Solo. It sounds like you generally believe in a draft. That i can understand but the fact is that this passing fancy might just last a few more years and could even grow. If Had you asked me three years ago i would probably agree with you much more than i do today. Nevertheless the fact remains that a draft at this point in time would tear this country apart. If we're discussing a draft four years from now under different circumstances then i might agree.