I like plain. I'm looking for photos of stuff, without having to load up a lot of graphics. (dialup) If a page takes too long to load, I'm onto another faster one. Maybe one eye-catching graphic, but don't over do it.
I'd like to have a picture logo to go across the blue stripe at the top...maybe something Star Trek related to tie in with the store name...I dunno. Suggestions?
as a (at present) dialupper, I think it`s good the way it is. If it took much longer to load, as someone who didn`t know you, I`d maybe get impatient and move on.

If you did something, my two cents would be - it`d have to be very small.
Thanks guys. Glad to hear that I am keeping it easy for the dial-uppers. I've made some store sales but not as many as I'd like...'course it is a new store and I should be a bit more patient, I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't because the store was hard to navigate or was unsightly...or something.
I dunno if it is just right now or something`s broken, but I`ve been waiting for the mugs page to load since I made that last post.

It`s sticking on your pictures both in the main store (sticks at 60 items remaining) and on the page for the mugs (10 items remaining - stuck on s.gif) and not loading any of them for me. A couple days ago it was fine. As a rule it has been real easy to navigate.

I guess if I were you I`d just try and make it as decorated as the other stores that seem to be doing well are? See what the hardcore people say in the community?
I really haven't noticed a difference in sales between the people that use alot of HTML crap and those that are plain jane. I have noticed a difference in those that use store categories and those that don't, though. What do you think about my categories? Too broad? Not broad enough?

When I go to an item page of yours, then click on either of the visit seller`s store or Material Continuum links, I get a 0 items message -

Function detectAX(pAXName) on error resume next detectAX = False detectAX = IsObject(CreateObject(pAXName))End Function (doesn`t appear on the page but appeared here when I pasted)

0 items found in All Categories
View: All Items | Auction only | Buy It Now only Picture hideItem TitlePriceBidsTime Left
There are no items in this category

you would get more traffic if that was fixed
It's fine here, so it's not a sympatico problem. Les, are you trying to get there through ebay.com, or ebay.ca?
last night was in what I believe was .com (I clicked on the link in Tonksy`s sig.) (but they do have a habit of deciding which ebay I want, so I can`t guarantee it). This morning was definitely in .ca
This morning it was from an Item I`m watching, that`s how I went to it. Ebay.ca and then ,watched items' or whatever it is called, and then went to click on the store.
Yeah, if you come at it through .ca, you won't get them. I had a bitch of a time finding their user untill I want through .com. If you set an item to watch from .com and log in through .ca, you'll probably still see that item, since it's linked to the item id. But if you look for their other items, if won't even show that item.
Today I got into a bidding war over a lot of 5 toe rings when it hit me! DUDE! Women all over are starting to buy sandals and thus, toe rings. I quit bidding and did a buy it now on 2 lots of 30 packages of toe rings, some are singles and some are lots. I figure I'll pick out mine for the season and sell the rest. Make my money back too...and, hopefully, then some.
tonksy said:
Today I got into a bidding war over a lot of 5 toe rings when it hit me! DUDE! Women all over are starting to buy sandals and thus, toe rings. I quit bidding and did a buy it now on 2 lots of 30 packages of toe rings, some are singles and some are lots. I figure I'll pick out mine for the season and sell the rest. Make my money back too...and, hopefully, then some.

oooooh *needs to go toe ring shopping*