Tanks spotted being transported across America

Older Bradleys. How do you suppose they move this type of equipment, on the freeway? Could be from Korea, theres not really very many there anyway.

Most likely heading to NTC, Fort Irwin.

Somebody has to make use of the pointless, useless & outdated rail system
yes we need improvements to the rail system. big dollar improvements. only government can tackle the job. :grinyes:
We need 220 mph trains that are free to ride connecting
every American city and we must borrow the money to
build them from the Red Chinese.

it is the birthright of every American citizen
It will. If you can do bizniss with a fair minded group or an asshole & thief, the asshole goes out of business.

As for upgrading the infrastructure...ask Union Pacific, they started the whole damned mess
and that is very possible assuming you spend all your spare time researching who you buy your shit from just like one of them commie green-niks that wants to buy everything certified free trade jamie oliver-approved.

the asshole goes out of business? really? that's not what i see out there...
I am continually amazed at your lack of understanding

hasn't 100 years of government interference in the market
taught you anything?

no you learned exactly what your Marxists professors wanted you to learn
and therefore the only solution to the failures of a mixed economy
is to continue to allow the government to distort it.

I will be charitable and say that I can comprehend how you could never
in your life envision a laissez-faire economy, that's for the feeble minds
of plumbers, truck drivers and small business owners.

wait, it's you who has been pinching my issues of the economist, isn't it? i can tell because your opinion is so deeply and broadly informed.

yes you are absolutely right a modern economy is straight-up simple just like what they taught you in third grade. how shocking that i cannot comprehend the wisdom of the guys that fix my shitter.
As has been stated before...the higher grads have fucked the economy & given us a $16,000,000,000,000. defecit.

Go to the local bakery & see what kind of accounting tricks they have. The plumber does't need the federal reserve to pay his bills.
Some Mulatto in DC who's never run a pop stand
is in a far better position to make daily business decisions
than the millions of Americans whose futures are dependent
upon said decisions?

The pooper repair man might be better advised to recommend
a toilet that uses more than 1.6 gallons per flush

a portly housewife in Hoboken might prefer a 100 watt incandescent?

and any buncha assholes that go further in debt
on an average of $3.94 billion every day
should be shot!
As has been stated before...the higher grads have fucked the economy & given us a $16,000,000,000,000. defecit.

that's the stupidest thing you've said in a long time. brought to me by a computer and internet, surely invented by joe the plumber types.
Oh, so the science majors brought us a sixteen trillion dollar deficit?
Oh, so the science majors brought us a sixteen trillion dollar deficit?

no that was brought to us by late capitalism, it being the overwhelmingly dominant force in our society.

er, no, i'm sorry. that's all too much. please return to your regularly scheduled narrative of class consciousness, commie.
yeah it's sad that gonz has gone all class-conscious and shit. next he'll start whining about some people being born with privileges he wasn't.