Tanks spotted being transported across America

Bo Grites, at al, covered this very same thing when it happened the last time the military had training exercises -- in the desert. That was in 1996! Patriot mythology run amok. Same tune, different dance.
By the way, none of the tanks on that train have a gun emplacement. At least the ones in 1996, Abrams, had their armament in place.
yeah it's sad that gonz has gone all class-conscious and shit. next he'll start whining about some people being born with privileges he wasn't.

You seem to to be the one confusing education with class. I'm pointing out the successes of those with the educations...regardless of income.
i suppose if you were not so willfully ignorant you could understand that your commentary is absolutely about class (and status of course)... but then willful ignorance is a classic working class defense mechanism. so i can't fault you. you're a good little robot/monkey.

all those educated people - engineers, scientists, philosophers, various professionals and other "elites"... what have they done? look at this horrific world you live in. you are right about one thing. they created this world.

i suppose it is necessary for you to resent them. after all, they were smarter and worked harder than you to get to where they are. they kinda make you look a little soft and slow, huh? must suck that they get to make all the big decisions while others like you are left to manual tasks. hmmmm...

my god if it were left up to the salt of the earth like you we'd have none of these problems. we would be perfectly happy sleeping on the rock floor of our caves. might get a little cold. could use fire... nooo, we don't want to change anything.

here you go buddy. no need to read anything, you can just watch it in your snuggie...

educated people - engineers, scientists, philosophers, various professionals and other "elites"

nope whether or not you could ever fathom it
(or if you could dare to admit it)
only one class produced the abundance you see around you

and that's businessmen i.e. capitalists

there's only so far that penny pinching and beating on your employees can go. at some point, one needs creativity.

ever hear of creative destruction of capital? hmmm prolly not... wonder who wins that one long term huh polly?
you win
I never really thought you believed in all the socialistic claptrap
I always thought you were just yankin' our collective chains

I was wrong, you really do think think it's all true

there's no
for you :(
Maybe someday, we can all hope, he understands the difference between an educated man & an elite. That day is a long way off though. Right now he's just a blithering snob.
you hardly seem to make a distinction between the two, and there is nothing wrong with either. except that they aren't like you. they are not content to memorize a few documents and call it a life.
you win
I never really thought you believed in all the socialistic claptrap
I always thought you were just yankin' our collective chains

I was wrong, you really do think think it's all true

there's no
for you :(

you repeatedly make the mistake of calling anyone who objects to your oversimplifications a commie.
Re: heads will roll?

I calls em as I see's em

you are a staunch believer that the government must have a role
in directing the economy and we see how that has been working out.

I think we can all agree that Obamacare isn't going to be repealed and
government control (and malfeasance) will only increase.

Capitalism and the Republic are dead

Vive La République!

you mistake my lack of toni basil uniform for left-leaning economic ideas. just cause fags and beaners don't bother me doesn't mean i'm fond of the constipated organized labor orifice. your pugnaciousness belies a fairly certain point of origin for your commentary. right in the lumber yard.