Tastes like chicken!!!


Staff member
My man is ordering in Swiss Chalet for dinner tonight!!! Come on 5 o'clock so I can get home and pack my bag!!!! Maybe I'll convince him to make me an omlette tomorrow too :brush:

I am such a spoiled brat :swing:
Lucky! I can beg on my knees for something like that and I won't get it. I think after 10 years, most of the romance and sweet things have gone out of my life.
*makes a note to write Pauly a very long email*

*cracks knuckles*
Uki Chick said:
Lucky! I can beg on my knees for something like that and I won't get it. I think after 10 years, most of the romance and sweet things have gone out of my life.
Romance is a two-way street...always has been. If your partner isn't holding up their end, you just have to push a little harder on yours.

Nix-sounds like a nice weekend coming up. Have him buy seom fresh chives for that omlet...it'll rock your world what fresh herbs can do to a relativly bland food like eggs.
I try to be romantic plenty Bish, he just doesn' t have it in him, or he's just not sure how to be romantic.

Nix, go ahead and write that long email. Maybe he'll get a clue.
Well, we ended up at Casey's instead of ordering Swiss Chalet. We went out with his sis, her hubby and their 4 year old for his sis' b-day. It was SO SO yummy. I tried calimari...YUM!

Also, this morning we discovered his eggs were experied so instead he made spaghetti and garlic bread (was almost noon anyway :brush: ) yum yum yum!
Nixy said:
Also, this morning we discovered his eggs were experied so instead he made spaghetti and garlic bread (was almost noon anyway :brush: ) yum yum yum!

my mind was in the gutter until i read the 2nd part of sentence about the spaghetti ... :alienhuh:

You are way lucky. My man can't cook and even worse, won't cook. I am usualy pretty happy though that he takes me out for omlettes and milkshakes at Denny's.
Alligator tastes a lot like chicken. Its like slightly fishy chicken. It's delicious though. Cajun food is the shit.
Oh wow. I didn't realize people ate alligator.

At a local fancy restaurant here, my nephew ordered ostrich. That's another animal I didn't realize people ate. It tastes good, surprisingly, since its a bird, you would think it would taste like chicken, but it tasted more beefy to me.
For awhile, a lot of folks thought that ostrich was gonna be a low-fat replacement for beef. That theory redoubled when mad cow first came along.

Then the theory fell on its ass when nobody really made the switch. :D
Wanna know what I did this weekend??

Friday was bad...very bad...his sister ended up going with us when we went out...things went bad...we fought and fought and fought...then I took her home and he and I sat and talked. Saturday everything was better. We went to Chinguacousy park which is a nice little park by my house with a pond and we walked around, looked at the animals int he barn there, went through the greenhouse, rented a peddle boat for half hour, and then we kinda just hung out and watched TV and stuff at my place. Sat night we drove my bro to where he was going, got coffee and sat and chatted again in a parking lot, then I took the boy home and we ended up being up til 5am on the phone...cause his mom is not liking me atm...I have only met the lady a few times and she has no reason not to like me but his sis says she has never liked anyone any of her three kids have ever been with so i don't really care but Chris was upset so we were talking on the phone. Then Sunday he came to the mall with me to see Vince, he wanted to meet him. Then Chris and I went to his Sis' place and had dinner and hung out and then back to my place to watch Joe and the Hoe (Joe Schmo 2) :D

Over all a good weekend, a perfect weekend if you don't count Friday night.