Tax free weekend


New Member
Anyone else braving it? We hit the Burlington Coat Factory for some kid's clothes and shoes and then the Microcenter because we are going wireless! Saved roughly $36...not really sure it was overly worth it but better than nothing.
those tax free weekends are worse than black friday around here. wont catch me anywhere near a mall.
Never heard of. No tax on purchases, is that it?

Hm, tax is halfed on december salaries over here though.
Our state of Gerogia has an annual 4 day period right before school starts as a state tax free time so that people can pile up on all the goods kids need. The exemptions are pretty tight. Its not like its tax free on everything though. You can't get tax free Coke, gasoline, light bulbs, IPods, or toilet paper. It is pretty much restricted to clothes, shoes, school supplies and most things computery.
Same deal in TN. Our sales tax is just a tick under 10%, so it pays.

I don't think we have plans to go unless it's the resident monster's school supplies like paper etc though. The fire replacement pretty much took care of the great majority of her other needs.
Stores here tend to run campains/sales on that kinda stuff before school starts up. I doubt the new backpack Critter needs will come cheap though.
We didn't have to do school supply shopping beyond clothes, shoes and backpacks because the PTA does a school supply fundraiser at registration. I paid for both girls school supplies in the spring and they will be waiting in the classrooms for them.
I can't imagine a tax free weekend over here, miraculously all of the country's bills and invoices would have such dates.
Ours is Aug. 4 - 13. We have hurricane preparedness tax holidays too - Jun. 1 - 12, on items such as flashlights, batteries, generators, fuel jugs, bottled water, plywood, tarps, etc. etc.

Same deal in TN. Our sales tax is just a tick under 10%, so it pays.
10%, plus local options? Good garsh! Do you guys have state income tax? (FL sales tax 6%, no income tax)
We have:
- 15% sales tax.
- Income tax, I don't know the percentage, it just gets cut off my cheque by my employer.
- New car tax (plus income tax of course).
- Annual car tax.
- Annual real estate tax.
- Gasoline tax.
- Import tax.

And a whole lot of other bullshit, of course, big corporations making huge amounts of money pay close to nothing :shrug:
10%, plus local options? Good garsh! Do you guys have state income tax? (FL sales tax 6%, no income tax)

I forget what the State sales tax rate in Tennessee is, but some counties have additional sales tax to fund whatever. Usually less than 1%. Here, it's 9 3/4% I think. No State income tax though. Our county does have a wheel tax though...$25 per vehicle per year. Conversely, our property tax in almost negligible. Our 3 1/2 acres of prime mountain property, selling for well over $15,000 an acre and sometimes as much as $40,000 an acre...our 3 1/2 acres has a grand total of $98.00 per year in property taxes. Gotta love life without gated communities and fancy-schmancy developments and such.
here in MA its tax free for anything under $2500.
current tax rate is 5% on anything but food and clothes.
We have:
- 15% sales tax.
- Income tax, I don't know the percentage, it just gets cut off my cheque by my employer.
- New car tax (plus income tax of course).
- Annual car tax.
- Annual real estate tax.
- Gasoline tax.
- Import tax.

And a whole lot of other bullshit, of course, big corporations making huge amounts of money pay close to nothing :shrug:
Be glad the corporations don't pay taxes as they would just pass that on through to you as an end consumer. Remember... no corporation actually pays taxes. They just raise the price of their goods to compensate.
We didn't have to do school supply shopping beyond clothes, shoes and backpacks because the PTA does a school supply fundraiser at registration. I paid for both girls school supplies in the spring and they will be waiting in the classrooms for them.
So what kind of supplies are we talking here? I can't really think of much besides clothes and stuff that isn't provided by the schools here. :hmm: Other than whatever fancy stuff kids just absolutely "need" that they don't really need for school. :grinyes:

Anywhoo, we picked up a backpack and athletic wear for PE today (not including footwear). That came to a total of $104 which was less than expected.
So what kind of supplies are we talking here? I can't really think of much besides clothes and stuff that isn't provided by the schools here. :hmm: Other than whatever fancy stuff kids just absolutely "need" that they don't really need for school. :grinyes:

Anywhoo, we picked up a backpack and athletic wear for PE today (not including footwear). That came to a total of $104 which was less than expected.

Paper, pencils, crayons, notebooks, etc.
These things are not provided here.
Paper, pencils, crayons, notebooks, etc.
These things are not provided here.
Ouch! :eek5: Here all that is provided, although many buy their own pencils and crayons - usually part of some fancy schmancy pencil case. Only when they go to high school do they have to buy their own notebooks, pencils and whatnot.
Ouch! :eek5: Here all that is provided, although many buy their own pencils and crayons - usually part of some fancy schmancy pencil case. Only when they go to high school do they have to buy their own notebooks, pencils and whatnot.

:eek: They provide all that stuff over there?
Ouch! :eek5: Here all that is provided, although many buy their own pencils and crayons - usually part of some fancy schmancy pencil case. Only when they go to high school do they have to buy their own notebooks, pencils and whatnot.

Cool deal! I wish it was that way here. I really like this fundraiser that our school does because:
1. I don't have to schlep all over trying to buy everything.
2. I don't have to keep track of it until it's time to go to school.
3. I don't have to worry about getting it to school.

The school likes it because:
1. It's a nifty way to raise money
2. All the school supplies are generic so no one feels slighted that they don't have the fancy stuff.