Ted Kennedy Fails to Block Wind Farm


New Member
Good to see Massachusetts’ highest court could not be bought...

Massachusetts’ highest court has upheld a decision facilitating construction of an environmentally friendly "wind farm” that Sen. Ted Kennedy had opposed.

The decision on Monday allows construction of 18-mile-long transmission lines to bring electricity from the Cape Wind project – a collection of energy-producing wind turbines – to shore.

The Supreme Judicial Court affirmed a May 2005 decision by the state Energy Facilities Siting Board that was challenged by a group opposing the Cape Wind project, Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound.
Of course they can be bought, The wind-power people did a great job of overriding the will of the people by buying them.

The fact that Teddy is a NINBY clone doesn't make this decision right.
I don't see any info in that article about "the will of the people" or the court being bought or not being bought.
It probably is a good envrironmental thing. Here's the controversy:

''People ought to be concerned with the back-room deal that was given to Cape Wind,'' Kennedy said. ''(Gordon) has just looked to come in on a financial grab for 24 square miles of property.''

Cape Wind benefited from a provision tucked into the sweeping energy bill Congress passed last summer that exempted the project from competitive bidding, Kennedy said. Cape Wind will also get about $280 million in government subsidies, he said.

''They won't have to bid for it,'' Kennedy said. ''That is the real outrage. I'm not going to be quiet on this issue.''

Cape Wind denied Kennedy's charges.

''There was no backroom deal with Cape Wind,'' said Cape Wind spokesman Mark Rodgers. ''There was a provision to make sure Cape Wind wasn't penalized.''

Of course they can be bought, The wind-power people did a great job of overriding the will of the people by buying them.

The fact that Teddy is a NINBY clone doesn't make this decision right.

Kennedy is as left wing as you can get and have been a bit surprised he had not been cheering for something like this, but then water on the brain can affect people in strange ways...
there were some concerns about boat safety with those massive windmills out in the middle of the sound but the biggest objection by far was how it would ruin the view from the multimillion dollar homes on the shoreline.
that is the only argument against them i have read in the local papers and that was reported on the local news. i have yet to hear anything about negative enviromental impact studies or increased tax burden or any of the other typical things that would shoot down a major project like this.
only that it would ruin the view.
there were some concerns about boat safety with those massive windmills out in the middle of the sound but the biggest objection by far was how it would ruin the view from the multimillion dollar homes on the shoreline.
that is the only argument against them i have read in the local papers and that was reported on the local news. i have yet to hear anything about negative enviromental impact studies or increased tax burden or any of the other typical things that would shoot down a major project like this.
only that it would ruin the view.

That's about what I figured. I personally think it would be cool to have a view of something like that, but I'm a nerd. :nerd:
I though I heard that Kennedy was making retirement plans....
anybody know anything on that?
There must be an environmental down side is Les is commenting on poor birdies.

Birds tend to fly into the blades as the blades are in motion. Not as many as PETA et al would have you believe, but not as few as others would like you to believe, either. I posted something about that problem sometime last year...can't find it, though...:mope:
It should be noted that a similar number of birds fly into skyscrapers (and yes, the issue keeps coming up about them too), cars, power lines, aircraft, et al. The blades in general are not traveling so fast as to be the cause, as much as carelessness on the bird's part. It's also been tracked that the number of bird strikes drops quickly as birds get accustomed to the generators.
Windmills-cheap, enviro-friendly power generation that assists Darwins theory.

Kennedy-drunken Senatorial fool who claims to want enviro-friendly power generation as long as it doesn't interfere with his view & the value of the compound.

Courts-making law from the bench.

So many issues...poor birdies.