Teh rules


New Member
Seems like discussing the rules is a good thing so everybody knows. Why on earth you wouldn't want this to be clear I have no idea.

Gonz said:
Since you , and a couple of others, have lately decided to use "cunt", only when addressing Cerise, one of a very few females, it should be apparent. Since you couldn't see it, it is has now been pointed out.

Libtard would be over the line if one the one being addressed were retarded. Similar circumstances prevail.

So if I got it right you're saying is that the rule is if you're going to misspell someone's political leanings the word that you use can't actually relate in any way ( intended or not) to a person involved in the discussion especially if you're replying to something they said.

So that means you can't say libtard if any retarded people are involved, republicunt and cuntservative are fine if you're not speaking to anyone female and dickpubelican, dickservative, republicwang, rePENISan are fine only if you're talking to girls.

Demorat always good unless you're talking to rats. Democrap only ok when you're talking to people that don't poo.

That about right?
Spike, STFU already. If you don't know that calling someone a cunt is offensive, then you must be some kind of RETARD!

:rofl: I slay me.
Seems like discussing the rules is a good thing so everybody knows. Why on earth you wouldn't want this to be clear I have no idea.

So if I got it right you're saying is that the rule is if you're going to misspell someone's political leanings the word that you use can't actually relate in any way ( intended or not) to a person involved in the discussion especially if you're replying to something they said.

So that means you can't say libtard if any retarded people are involved, republicunt and cuntservative are fine if you're not speaking to anyone female and dickpubelican, dickservative, republicwang, rePENISan are fine only if you're talking to girls.

Demorat always good unless you're talking to rats. Democrap only ok when you're talking to people that don't poo.

That about right?
I think I may have been to blame for the "cunt" thing. If you look in the Oh noez! thread Cerise points out where I'm not sure if calling her a cunt within the rules (etc. etc.). So I might have started that and I am sorry it caused Spike to end up banished to the KK. :-/

Not to say that she didn't deserve worse than what she's already got, but rules are rules.

Having said that, and after reading the posts about rules and such... I suppose calling her a retard/tard would be OK. I'll stick to that, and not call her a cunt anymore.

(For the record... I'm a female. A hot, naked, sexy female.)

Oh, and if Cerise comes here trolling... the answer to your question (now that your 2 days are up) is: you were mentioned in the thread by me because you reported Spike to Gonz over Spike calling you a cunt. THAT is the reason you were the topic of the day. I am not obsessed with you, nor have you given me any reason to be... you're just another retard bagging groceries. ;) Besides it's been fun watching you spin out of control. :lol:
Damn Gonz, you're really resistant to clarifying the rules. Isn't that part of your job?
(For the record... I'm a female. A hot, naked, sexy female.)

We're definitely going to need some pics.

BTW, does this then mean that I'm not allowed to call Gonz, Winky, et al. "cock"-servatives or suggest that they might prefer some kind of fascist "dick"-tatorship.
We're definitely going to need some pics.
I think posting pornography is against the rules of this board. :lol:

BTW, does this then mean that I'm not allowed to call Gonz, Winky, et al. "cock"-servatives or suggest that they might prefer some kind of fascist "dick"-tatorship.
We got rid of the fascist "dick"-tator-ship* with the last election.

(*is that a dick shaped like a potato in a ship? Or a potato shaped like a dick in a ship? Or a ship made out of a potato shaped like a dick?)
Damn Gonz, you're really resistant to clarifying the rules. Isn't that part of your job?

Because I'm not going to give you precise limitations so you can walk the edge. Common sense & consideration within the prescribed limits. When someone has a problem, it can be dealt with individually (no lawyers & judges here)
remove those glasses, and you could probably see better.:eek10:

Bush put on a good show for several years, but showed his true colors there closer to his end.

The history doesn't reflect the Majorities' will in many cases.
remove those glasses, and you could probably see better.:eek10:

Bush put on a good show for several years, but showed his true colors there closer to his end.

The history doesn't reflect the Majorities' will in many cases.
In some cases the majority rule is not in the best interest of the country.
Re: slavery.