Teh rules

more copouts. OMG Gonz is on a higher plain than the rest of us where he can just make arbitrary decisions and not have to clarify! Holy shit, he's like talking above the mundane classes below him.

sounds familiar. sucks when it comes your way huh? subsitute the word statement for decisions and you have created the perfect self-portrait.

but of course youll dispute that. fine by me. seems like you might need something different to whine about for a couple of hours, the old one is sounding like a broke record
I knew an election example would be the first response.
good try though. we'll have to leave that one to opinion.

elections are generally the most accessible majority decision examples...

it can't be proven the Ford would have done any better.

correct. the election of jimmy carter was a reactionary backlash against nixon. sound like anything that happened about six months ago to you?

time will tell. it always does

so. an example of majority rule, that isnt an election, but has national ramifications. pretty narrow borders there ya know
wow rJ yer above post [#33] is painfully accurate
spot on as it were, one question though
it is the only time I've seen you type anything
the least bit cogent.

Are you trying to fool us into believing you are a
randumb jackass or in other words "what did you do with our rJ?"

Or did yer wife or kid gain access to your login?

Inquiring minds need to know ;)

Actually I didn’t know what got him slapped in here
and couldn’t have cared less
but reading your single concise to the point post I ‘got it’
clear as a bell, ding ding ding

This is me banging on Spikes head
"hullo is there
anyone in there"????
Hey now... I thought we weren't going to do name calling and personal attacks. What gives?
I'll be interested to see how Leslie reacts when she comes here and sees she closed a thread because she was tired of Spike's shit and so he started another thread to continue the same shit. That kind of thing generally doesn't sit well with her and she has a key to the ban cannon too.
You don't want to give us precise rules? Sounds like a cop out. I'd be fine if you outlawed all misspellings since it adds nothing to the conversation. I can understand that you'd prefer to make arbitrary decisions since that doesn't put you on the hook to be consistent. But that's crap.

So just spell the shit out. Are you saying I would have been fine if I said rePENISan or dickservative because Cerise is dickless?

The only rules of this board are clearly stated in the user agreement you accepted when you registered. Any judgements concerning those rules are made by the moderators and administrators. Appeals to those judgements should be made by PM to the other admins, who will discuss the matter in the staff room and make a final, irrevokable decision on the matter. This is, and always has been the only manner of control exercised on this board. Further open discussion of the rulez is pointless. The only one who can benefit from that is people looking for loopholes, also known as internet politicians.

Lemme spell it out in short words. If you're resorting to name calling, you've already lost the argument, because noone worth talking to is listening any more. Just like patrons in a restaurant when there's a screaming baby in a booth ... they all walked out when the patron didn't ask you to leave.

Frankly, if I was Sam, I'd have chucked the lot of you long since.
I'll be interested to see how Leslie reacts when she comes here and sees she closed a thread because she was tired of Spike's shit and so he started another thread to continue the same shit. That kind of thing generally doesn't sit well with her and she has a key to the ban cannon too.
A board without members... interesting concept.

The alternative would be for people to start being a bit more responsible for themselves and for moderation of the board to be blindly just. However, I've never seen a board like that... ever. Friendships and political loyalty get in the way of blind justice and you can't swing a dead cat around on a board without hitting several out of control crazies.
In some cases the majority rule is not in the best interest of the country.
Re: slavery.

Are you counting the people that were enslaved, or do they count now.

best best I can do to answer my own question, is ....
when they were not informed enough.

Steele just made me realize that one.
Spike, time to drop it, or time to leave.

The way it works is, if you have a problem with someone calling you a name, hit the report post button.

If you do something to piss off the mods, you end up here. Keep pissing them off, and you end up out on your ass.

It's not a democracy, nor is there a consititution, or an appeals court.

think of it as a benevolent dictatorship.
Spike, time to drop it, or time to leave.

The way it works is, if you have a problem with someone calling you a name, hit the report post button.

If you do something to piss off the mods, you end up here. Keep pissing them off, and you end up out on your ass.

It's not a democracy, nor is there a consititution, or an appeals court.

think of it as a benevolent dictatorship.
But you're right... message boards are dictatorships. If you're lucky, you will run into one you like that is run somewhere close to justly. Close... but never quite there.
Actually, this one was very well managed. We've already discussed what happened to those moderators.
My guess is that a nice little post that said "Hey guys, I'm sorry things got out of hand, we all went a little overboard with the name calling, let's all try to keep things a little more civilized in TRW" would have gotten you out of here, spike.

I can guarantee that continuously trying to prove everybody else wrong, and opening threads to continue a line of discussion after a moderator closed the original will not get you any closer to being able to post in sections that aren't called "Kiddie Korner"
Actually, this one was very well managed. We've already discussed what happened to those moderators.
Yeah, they got sick of the bickering and couldn't keep up with the flaming on this board.

People need to realize that each member typing characters off their keyboard and hitting that button in their browser is a real person. That means they may be an asshole in RL, or not... but there is a good chance that they are not defined by their politics. I have many friends who have different political views (and beliefs) than I have and we do not chase each other down everywhere they go to attack them. We all just get along.

Its sad that this can't happen on a message board, but its hard to get to know people in an anonymous virtual world.
My guess is that a nice little post that said "Hey guys, I'm sorry things got out of hand, we all went a little overboard with the name calling, let's all try to keep things a little more civilized in TRW" would have gotten you out of here, spike.

I can guarantee that continuously trying to prove everybody else wrong, and opening threads to continue a line of discussion after a moderator closed the original will not get you any closer to being able to post in sections that aren't called "Kiddie Korner"
The KK hasn't had this much traffic in a long time. :lol:

But... Spike... just say "sorry" and join us... we miss you! :kiss:
Spike, time to drop it, or time to leave.

The way it works is, if you have a problem with someone calling you a name, hit the report post button.

I dropped it and left but yet I'm still confined to the KK. Seems that was bad advice. You made it sound as if you were privy to "The way it works".

Also, nobody called anyone a name in this case but I sure will use the "report post" button if anyone mentions slang for private parts when referring to a group. Thanks for the tip.

Henceforth "conservatard" or some such will be used in response to any misspelling of "liberal". Or I will take recent precedents into account which clearly Gonz has seen and directly accuse another member of having a "mental disorder".

Prof said:
Further open discussion of the rulez is pointless. The only one who can benefit from that is people looking for loopholes, also known as internet politicians.

Or maybe people looking for consistent application of said "rules" would make more sense. The way rules, laws, and such normally work is that they are clearly stated and some attempt is made to uniformly apply them. If they are broken you can then refer to the rule/law that is applicable.

If that's not the way it works here and we're being a bit more arbitrary that's fine. It just doesn't really shed any light on the situation besides "don't use the word c*ntservatives in response to Cerise misspelling liberals".

Fair enough. Noted. Got it.

Lemme spell it out in short words. If you're resorting to name calling, you've already lost the argument, because noone worth talking to is listening any more.

What if you're only resorting to name calling in response to someone who has resorted to name calling?
Spike said:
What if you're only resorting to name calling in response to someone who has resorted to name calling?

If someone resorted to jumping off a bridge, would you jump off it too?

That's what my mom always said when I asked dumb questions like that.
That would be a dumb analogy. Maybe you mom was better at applying it where it fit though.

I'd go with something like "if someone hit you would you hit them back?". Personally my answer would be "sometimes, depending on circumstances".
Henceforth "conservatard" or some such will be used in response to any misspelling of "liberal". Or I will take recent precedents into account which clearly Gonz has seen and directly accuse another member of having a "mental disorder".
