Teh rules

I dropped it and left but yet I'm still confined to the KK. Seems that was bad advice. You made it sound as if you were privy to "The way it works"

The way it works is really quite simple.

Admit to your mistake, taking responsibility foir it & show remorse. You're still passing the buck.

I have to say that while you were gone, it was rather peaceful & almost like old times around here.
The way it works is really quite simple.

Admit to your mistake, taking responsibility foir it & show remorse. You're still passing the buck.

Show remorse? What?

I will not use "cuntservative" anymore to refer to a group of people when Cerise is involved in the discussion. Since that's as far as your willing to clarify the rules that is what I'll do.

Instead I will use something like "conservatard" or directly accuse someone of having a mental disorder since you seem to be fine with those.

It doesn't make much sense to me but if thems the rules I'll play by them. Isn't that enough or do you really have a need to force me to agree with you?

I have to say that while you were gone, it was rather peaceful & almost like old times around here.

I gotta say it was damn pleasant when you were gone too.
I was just trying to apologize if I offended you or hurt your feelings by misspelling "conservatives".

What you do with it is up to you.
Or maybe people looking for consistent application of said "rules" would make more sense. The way rules, laws, and such normally work is that they are clearly stated and some attempt is made to uniformly apply them. If they are broken you can then refer to the rule/law that is applicable.

If that's not the way it works here and we're being a bit more arbitrary that's fine. It just doesn't really shed any light on the situation besides "don't use the word c*ntservatives in response to Cerise misspelling liberals".

Fair enough. Noted. Got it.

What if you're only resorting to name calling in response to someone who has resorted to name calling?

Spike, it's simple. The place is run just like your parent's house. Consistency isn't required, but neither is absolute enforcement of the rules. Unfortunately, just like a dog who's leash has been replaced with a bungee, the more stretch people are given, the more abrupt they get yanked back when they do hit the end of it.
Wow, is that your idea of clever trolling H20? That's a shame. I feel a little sad for you.