I don't think that's a very accurate description at all.
Well, as you're in the korner, and I'm not, I'll accept my description as accurate, and you can continue searching for one of your own that you like better. Good luck to you on that.
I usually don't agree with your idealogy, but you are in here unfairly. It's Gonz's site, he does what he wants, but his actions are unjustified.
You can read the Karma that you get while in the KK, but not who left it. I was completely surprised when I finally found out who wrote this one..
Yeah. You really suck.DAMN ME!! DAMN ME ALL TO HELL!!!!!
"idealogy" I suppose only a former meth-head might speel it thata whey?
Incorrectly attributing the site ownership, only a very few uninformed
individuals could come too such a flawed conclusion?
and the winnah iz?
The only former meth using members I know of are markjs and ResearchMonkey.
that is surprising. (the spelling gives away who it is)
..... you can take yourself out, anytime you want.