
I think I'd have to vote for "Holy shit, you mean 20 years from now I'll be able to remember my number?"
I know myself pretty well,so when I phoned I would already know what my younger self would need to know and just tell them.
PuterTutor said:
"Holy shit, you mean 20 years from now I'll be able to remember my number?"

Hey that's cool, I'm still alive and I've still got all my marbles! Er.. haven't I?

Actually it would probably be something like... "Er, so what am I doing then (meaning in the future)?"
"What do you regret?"

I wouldn't want to know of the bad times because sometimes they turn out to be a learning experience that I might not regret. I would just want to know what I actually regret so that I might avoid it.
Leslie said:
unclehobart said:
I probably would have figured it to be a lie since I don't expect to live another 20 years.
why not?
I always had vivid dreams, deja vu moments, a feeling, that spark of what rides on the horizon when I was younger. I never had dreams of myself as an older man or the path that I was leading into. It could just be that those parts of my life have umpteen variables wherein I haven't made certain life modifying choices and embraced the finite in lieu of drifting. General malaise/depression/and a lack of hardcore stress may also be dulling my ability to just 'feel' it. I might just live to 105... but I just don't 'feel' it right now ...or ever, for that matter. I'm an empty cup waiting to be filled.
Hex, I thought the same thing you did. "What's the single biggest stock winner over the next twenty years".
Ok, If I was to call myself from twenty years in the future.... wouldnt I know what I was going to say? Wouldnt that change what i would say? Cause maybe twenty years from now, i realize that what I asked myself was dumb, and I tell myself not to ask that again, and then advise myself to ask something else, instantly knowing what i asked cause I asked it twenty years ago, and then thinking that was not as useful as something else i couldve asked, and say "UH-uh, dont ask that either" Freaking myself out cause i havent asked anything...

ok, my head hurts............ paradoxs, I love thinking about them.
Sadly, I would ask if I ever got back togetehr witrh Vince. If the answer was no I'd say "Am I alone still?"