"Teleprompter had the results of the vote before the vote was taken."

is that sam bacillus or whatever his name is? man, that whole mo-hammed video thing is just weird and hokey as shit. in origin and content. almost as much as obama's nobel prize.
hah he sure as heck doesn't
shows the world just how impotent these fat wahs really are?
haven't even scratched him in 30 years?
We should mostly ignore them and the Israelis
and get on with watching the latest episode of Honey Boo Boo on Toddlers and Tiaras!
President Kardashian is gonna take more vacations play more golf than ever before!
well yeah I guess I have to get with the program and realize
that we are living is socialism now
sorry I will finally let go of all the things I was raised to believe as a child
and get fully with the soviet program
how can I get on Santa Obama's christmas list for all the goodies
the socialist cornucopia can offer?