Test your gaydar

55%...You personally got 11 of the 20 people correct and were better at recognizing guys than girls. Lesbians are tricky. Maybe if I see them in action it would help :D

You personally got 16 of the 20 people correct and were better at recognizing guys than girls. Overall, you guessed better than 85% of all test takers.
You impressively scored 75%

You personally got 15 of the 20 people correct and were better at recognizing guys than girls. Overall, you guessed better than 72% of all test takers.
70% ... You personally got 14 of the 20 people correct and were better at recognizing guys than girls. Overall, you guessed better than 57% of all test takers.
75% - Im not as impressed with that as they were. I think my gaydar is more focused, like a laser-beam, in the 90% range. Able to spot the subtle traits that reflects the sense of self, did I say focused like a laser beam?
65% but wasn't i the one who was hit on by the gay chick at WalMart???

Dang .. not only did most of them look gay to me, some of them looked like they should be taking mug shots too :D