Testing something


خطط بوش بشأن العراق تواجه عقبات دولية
روسيا لا ترى "مبررا" للعمل العسكري ضد بغداد، وفرنسا تؤكد على ضرورة اللجوء إلى مجلس الأمن.

Is there any way of aligning it to the right? And enable the characters? It isn't coming through.
Don't think that's possible...phpBB probably works with CSS...which defines the tables to be aligned at the left...setting it to right would cause everything to be aligned to the right...

I don't think it's possible to align selections...but maybe fury knows more :)
I'm trying to write this, but it appears phpBB isn't picking it up


arabic.jpg, 52.80kb

Just a wild guess....using the ALT-combinations? Would be a pain in the ass though...ﭘﺒﺒ

Not sure if that's arab though D

[edit mhhh...that clearly doesn't work either...but it does show properly when typing the message (]