Texas Farmers Claim Mexico Is Stealing Water



Texas Farmers Claim Mexico Is Stealing Water;
Blockade Of International Bridges Planned

Harlingen, TX -- A drive through the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas would normally give you a panorama view of lush green fields and orchards alive with brightly growing citrus. However, this spring, with its excessive heat, strong winds, plus another year of a prolonged drought has painted a far different landscape.

Link: http://www.halturnershow.com/MexicoStealingWater.htm

Interesting story.
I have been opposed to NAFTA ever since they proposed it.
about 40 years ago it was decided that birmingham [one of the major cities in the uk] needed a more direct water supply. the best way of doing this, it was decided, was to create several large reservoirs.

rather than build the reservoirs too near birmingham they instead chose to create them in mind-wales and pipeline the stuff over. mid wales was not best happy about this as it would mean the flooding of many villages, and all to serve another city, miles away, in england.

they did it anyway.

it is now accepted that the reservoirs are no longer needed by birmingham. wales as a whole still hasn't forgotton it....
dude, that sucks. I can't imagine that happening here.

I can just see Mississippi approaching Alabama and saying "we need to flood a few of your backwards hick towns to make a new resevoir." :D Yeah, Alabama would call up the militia and have a good ol' mini-civil war right then. Besides, we have plenty of people right here in MS that could use a little water in their back yards. :rofl2:
at the time it inflamed a lot of anti-english sentiment in wales, with the lobby being that wales and welsh towns was seen as expendable by the english goverment. fortunatly for this country welsh nationism has been largely a political force, the free wales army was regarded as more of a joke than a terrorist force.

it should be noted that the main welsh nationalist party has made signifiacnt strides in the last few years, and demonstrates the progress that a non-violent agenda can make.