Thank God for Federal Screeners


molṑn labé
Staff member
What a surprise.


Airport screeners missed weapons
By Mimi Hall, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — Undercover investigators were able to sneak explosives and weapons past security screeners at 15 airports nationwide, according to a government report on aviation security.

The government watchdog for the Department of Homeland Security, Clark Kent Ervin, delivered the results of the tests in a classified report to members of Congress. "The performance was poor," said Ervin, the department's inspector general, in releasing a less detailed version Wednesday.

USA Today
I have a real problem with this. Two things. First of all that we can't screen people effectively apparently. Second that we broadcast this fact to everyone that will listen. Wouldn't it be a tad more effective to publish stories about people getting caught and make them think that the airports are secure so they don't even try it? A story like this is just going to make them try. Unless.... our airports are doing a good job but just haven't caught anyone lately. This would make them try and we catch them, thus eliminating them from the pool.... Alright I think too much.
The curse of an open press combined with the Show Me mentality. A lethal combination? on Geraldo
eh, all the airline are going to go out of business anyway,
if "something" isn't done.
With all the millionaires/billionaires in this country, you'd think one
of them would step up to the plate and start/takeover an airline,
and do something that would revolutionize the system. :confused:
catocom said:
eh, all the airline are going to go out of business anyway,
if "something" isn't done.
With all the millionaires/billionaires in this country, you'd think one
of them would step up to the plate and start/takeover an airline,
and do something that would revolutionize the system. :confused:
Yeah..and withthe number of airlines going out of business, it'd be that much easier. :D

First people complain about the safety of flying..then they complain about how tightening up the security is too expensive or takes too much time, then they lower the security and hire untrained personnel and THEN they complain that security is lax.

Wake up folx! Either get used to the idea of having to wait an extra hour before getting on the plane and watch the fares go up 25% or live with the consequences of lax security because you hate waiting and hate spening more money that you have to.

A man has been arrested after attacking two pilots and a passenger with an axe on an internal flight in Norway.


Why is it so difficult to show up at the airport 2 hours before your flight? Are people that lazy and selfish? I always show up 2 hours prior...unless I'm on Mil-air...then it's 3 hours.

And what's with those carry-on bags? I've seen people with lay-overs buying a butt-load of 'junk', and then trying to stuff it into the overhead compartments...usually not by their seats...