Thanks for the welcomes!

steweygrrrr said:
Yes dammit or no beer pizza or porn for you young lady!

Awwwww No beer, NO FAIR-the pizza i can do without-but you cant hold back the beer. " Young Lady" thats a new label for me,LMAO..
More like middle aged confused mom of 2-whom is still learning what life is all about- sure it will get better-but right now-its a CRAZY world out there-with no support from our government....
Luis G said:
now go to the other forums and start posting ;) :D

:winkkiss: I'm still trying to figure this whole site out and you want me to post in other sites-SHEWWWWWW, plus having 2 young boys that ALWAYS want my attention...... Will try to get more involved with other sites but for now thanks for replying.
Mare said:
:winkkiss: I'm still trying to figure this whole site out and you want me to post in other sites-SHEWWWWWW, plus having 2 young boys that ALWAYS want my attention...... Will try to get more involved with other sites but for now thanks for replying.

Noooooooooo, by other forums i meant Lunatic Lounge, Real World, Entertainment, etc. :D
Rose said:
I didn't give you a welcome, am I too late?

*Happy Welcomes to OTC!!!* :D


:swing: Nope not too late just figured this out this morning -ty- and have a god one!!!