Thanksgiving... almost


Advantage of being American AND Canadian... I get two Thanksgivings!! One in about a month (second Monday in October), and one on or near my birthday (last Thursday in November). Now my family usually celebrate the American one, so time to suck up to some friends for an October Thanksgiving :D

*thinking of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, breadrolls, and more mashed potatoes, and more gravy, and more mashed potatoes...*
Who has turnips on Thanksgiving? My Mom made them every year and I *love* them. Rusty and I tried making them ourselves a few years ago and didn't realize what a royal pain in the ass they are. After a few hours, a gash on my thumb and much fuss, they still weren't done and we vowed never to try it again.

I am on call for work on Thanksgiving and the whole weekend. Joy. Otherwise it will probably be just a simple night at home.
Thanksgiving was never a big family thing for us because we traveled so much. Most Thanksgivings its just us as a family. Occasionally my grandma will visit (only grandparent I still have), but not really. We don't make a big thing of it either, but I do like people that make it a grand celebration.

Last Thanksgiving (Canadian) I got invited to my friend's place, and there were like 20 people all around one table (they have a big house). Played games all day, socialized, and of course the main course... I *love* Thanksgivings, but I really like the American one more because you get the Friday off :p

Nah, we never have turnips. We usually have turkey, ham, some beef, peas, corn, mashed potatoes (lots!!), gravy, breadrolls, onion salad, and perhaps a Caesar salad. We every other year invite friends over for a "grander" celebration...

I'm now already in the Thanksgiving mood... :eek:
Usually we have a big family celebration too. Since my parents live in Florida during the cold weather though, the siblings have to fend for ourselves. Usually we have it at my sister Meg's house but she's going to Florida for Thanksgiving. I had my sister Rose and her son Ryan over last year so maybe we'll get invited to their house this year. :)
I wish I could have a Thanksgiving with my family though, but we are very widely distributed in three different countries, and even in the one country it is near impossible to gather the people. I haven't seen any family in over 5 years (except my grandma and immediate family such as siblings and parents). I haven't seen my cousin's newborn either, he should be 5 years old by now, nor have I met his wife.

So, who else is in the Thanksgiving mood? :D Christmas can go, but Thanksgiving is special :D
We don't have thanksgiving around here :(

I really liked it when I was in the US...and I miss it around here :(

Not that we like our family that much, but there are a few who we do like...:D
Of all the days of the year, I like Thanksgiving the most. Thanksgiving is so special, a time for reflection, to be thankful, and be joyous. Not to mention lots of people to talk to, do absolutely NOTHING except sit there and be lazy, perhaps play a game or two, EAT, and EAT, and just be HAPPY.

Christmas... beh, not that special, and neither is Easter... at least for me :p
We always go to my Bro-in-law's place in Dallas for Thanksgiving, and they always come here for Christmas. Before we all had kids, it was a real blast, but now the travel with kids gives it some painful overtones.
I used to really like Thanksgiving ... all my sibs and our families get together .. sometimes, when we're feeling really "gutsy", my mom's siblings and their families get together ... now that's one big party. But now, Thanksgiving doesn't feel the same - I'm sure it never will again .. but maybe it'll get easier...
LastLegionary said:
Not to mention lots of people to talk to, do absolutely NOTHING except sit there and be lazy, perhaps play a game or two, EAT, and EAT, and just be HAPPY.

Well, that is, unless you actually cook, or help clean up. But traditionally, the men in my family don't do either.

Christmas Eve is hands down the biggest event in my family, not even Christmas Day compares.
Well, we help mom with everything :D From cooking to washing the dishes afterwards. Period. It can't be much fun if she has to do all the work.
greenfreak said:
LastLegionary said:
Not to mention lots of people to talk to, do absolutely NOTHING except sit there and be lazy, perhaps play a game or two, EAT, and EAT, and just be HAPPY.

Well, that is, unless you actually cook, or help clean up. But traditionally, the men in my family don't do either.

Christmas Eve is hands down the biggest event in my family, not even Christmas Day compares.
Thats funny. My operation is dead opposite. My dad cooks all of the mains. I cook the sides. I do 90% of the cleanup because I'm the only one who can stand up after gorging. The fems in our little packs down here are incapable of doing more than starting and stopping a microwave.
ooooh man. Wish I had turkey day at *your* family's house!!

We never had it that good. As soon as dinner was done, the men retire to the tv room to watch football and the women stay in the kitchen cleaning up for an hour. By the time we're done, it's time for dessert, the men come back to the table... Then we clean up again and the men retire to the tv room to smoke and bullshit.

But now my Rusty cooks so we soak everything for the next day and I get to enjoy Thanksgiving. :)