

New Member
Need some help here - I recently befriended a girl from New York, she's here on a work-exchange kinda deal. So now I know thanksgiving is coming up soon and would like to do something nice for her, but have no clue (we don't celebrate it of course). I'm trying to keep it a surprise, so I have absolutely no clue when it is (some people say the last Thursday in November and others say the last Sunday in November). The closest thing to an American I know at the mo' is my friends Canadian husband, who has a fit if I call him 'Engelsman' (Englishman <--- in reference to the fact that he doesn't speak Afrikaans), so I reckon he'd have a hernia if I even slightly hinted that he may know more about American traditions and culture than is appropriate :D

So, when exactly is it? And what kind of traditional foodstuffs can I serve? (Keeping in mind that it's Summer over here, so if the menu is season-dependent over there, it might not work that well here). Does anyone have any traditional recipes that I could use?

Are there any significat rules or whatever to keep in mind?

Thanks guys.
The centerpiece will have to be some kind of roasted bird... tradition dictates a turkey with a seasoned bread stuffing... but others will do in a pinch. If a bird is unavailable, substitute a ham.

Butter and bread... rolls, cornbread, many different styles to choose from.

Mashed potatoes w/ gravy or sweet potato.

Green beans w/almond slivers and butter

there are dozens of vegetable variations to choose from.

A gravy derived from the main meat pan drippings, flour, spices and whatnot.

Cranberry sauce or a compote derived from food processed cranberries, sugar, and orange peel zest.
It's the fourth Thursday in November.

And what Unc said.

Most every family will have their own traditional variation of the Thanksgiving meal. I would suggest you try to implement some true American staples, such as the turkey or other roasted bird, sweet potatoes if available, cranberry sauce or salad, pumpkin or pecan pie, and also some local traditionals, as that's how the US "stereotypical" meal began anyway. Think of it as a harvest feast, and just go from there.
Leslie said:
you forgot the PIE!!!!! :eek:
Pie is discussed on the link pages. ;) I didn't want to mention a direct style of pie because I don't know what constitutes a New Englandy requirement. The friend is a Noo Yawker... god knows what they eat. Me from south. Me eat pecan pie, pumpkin pie, apple pie. Greenie needs to be here to hone a true New York approach to the meal.
unclehobart said:
Pie is discussed on the link pages. ;) I didn't want to mention a direct style of pie.
Pumpkin if you're from Noo Yawk, as I am (that's "punkin" to y'all southern folks). Oh, and real whipped cream, none of this cool whipped crap.

Are there any significat rules or whatever to keep in mind?

Did anyone mention the running around the table counterclockwise three times while flapping your arms and screaming "Alouisius?" Maybe that was just us.
You forgot TURNIPS!!!

Turnips are my favorite, although a real bitch and a half to make. But DAMN are they good.

I don't think NY is so different from everywhere else. The pie is usually pumpkin but I always thought that was because of the holiday's proximity to Halloween.

Turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, rolls, apple juice/cider, pumpkin pie. That's the minimum requirement.

Ham, turnips, apple pie ala mode, pecan pie; those are some other options but not always a staple.
Alright, the 4th Thursday has been settled, as has the main course of turkey, stuffing, potatoes, veggies & pie. YOu also know about the arm flappin thing (I'm still uncertain why that is done ;) ).

Now for the best part.

At 4am on Friday, you must get up & go to the nearest store (mall or strip mall variety preferrable) & wait for them to open. Upon the alarms being rendered useless for the day, you must rush in, in a frenzy, and buy all kinds of useless crap that noone wants & will take back on Dec 26th. The important thing is to spend money!!!

Happy Thanksgiving.
Gonz said:
At 4am on Friday, you must get up & go to the nearest store (mall or strip mall variety preferrable) & wait for them to open. Upon the alarms being rendered useless for the day, you must rush in, in a frenzy, and buy all kinds of useless crap that noone wants & will take back on Dec 26th. The important thing is to spend money!!!

Happy Thanksgiving.

No, YOU must do this. I'd sooner be dragged across carpet tacks then dipped in rubbing alcohol than venture inside a shopping mall on any day of the year, much less Black Friday.

The day after Thanksgiving is devoted to leftover turkey sammiches if the weather is poor, hiking if it's decent. Oh, and of course preparing for my birthday, which is always just days after Thanksgiving.
I went out on one black Friday...because I wanted to pricematch a product that Sam had so kindly given preview to & I picked up the night before :D

Even that may be too much.
I have to work the day after Thanksgiving. :(

Well, what would loosely be considered work anyway. We usually wind up dragging out the ping pong table to pass the time.
SouthernN'Proud said:
We want him on that wall...we NEED him on that wall!

Yeah...right. I'm not in a war zone here...unless they have two flights, and only 2 seats between them.