
I had a 100MB ZIP...:mope:...and the 2.88 I'm talking about was a 1.4 that used an MS compression scheme...Remember the self-extracting WIN95 disks?

Colour yourself uninformed. IBM produced, in significant volume, a true 2.88 floppy drive, and disk. And the Win95 disks, I don't recall them being anything like 2.88. I'll have to pull mine out and look it over.
Colour yourself uninformed. IBM produced, in significant volume, a true 2.88 floppy drive, and disk. And the Win95 disks, I don't recall them being anything like 2.88. I'll have to pull mine out and look it over.

Are you sure? I remember that the WIN95 data took up more than 1.44MB on a standard 1.44MB floppy...:shrug: