The 10,000 Post Thread!

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Pick me up a bottle of Jose Quervo 1800, no salt or limes please, I drink mine straight.
I've seen you drink Grolsh <sp> so let's not go there.

That was some funky skunky shit.
Originally posted by
Pick me up a bottle of Jose Quervo 1800, no salt or limes please, I drink mine straight.

You have good taste.
Cuervo 1800 is very nice, and yes, tequila must be straight.
i could use a good shot of whisky right now, but i'm taking something

a good belt of booze would be better
Cuervo 1800 is very very good, i like how it doesn't burn, it feels very warm and kinda soft and hard at the same time.

Herradura Supremo is one of the best, and expensive too.

This year I went to their Hacienda, is very big, while i was there, the taught me how to drink "tequila" properly:
1.- pour tequila in a glass
2.- don't drink it, keep it in your hands to warm it (like you do on Cognac)
3.- When you start to see how the tequila is "climbing" the walls of the glass you should drink it, however.....
4.- (only needed in the first shoot) Make a small drink, but keep it in your mouth, let it warm your mouth, you must keep it for 30 seconds.
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