The 10,000 Post Thread!

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Thank you, we trained hard to accomplish that :headbang:

read one of the many disclaimers spread thoughout this thread ;))[/siz]
LastLegionary said:
What exactly is involved in being someone's little fuck?

Well, first off, read this..

Basically, you're my little OTC Prison Bitch, I can trade you, sell you, or just loan you out to whomever I choose.
LastLegionary said:
And um, what exactly would people do if you rent me out? :eek:

Don't know, Don't care, I only collect the rent. Of course there is a Security deposit too, in case they damage the property.
Psycho said:
So, how many times did that happen PT?
Everytime you returned me I was "damaged". Shadowfax doesn't seem capable of damaging me.

OK this is getting out of hand lol :sick:[/siz]
Um I never ever recalled a baseball bat. I do remember you forgetting the KY too many times since Puter never sends enough of it for your um, desires.

I'm playing along ok? It disturbs me to write this, but its funny as hell... :sick:[/siz]
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