Luis G <i><b>Problemator</b></i> Staff member Sep 25, 2002 #4,584 heheheeh, i don't wait til it loads
F fury Administrator Staff member Sep 25, 2002 #4,589 I turned off the flood control temporarily. That's why you can't notice it anymore.
Luis G <i><b>Problemator</b></i> Staff member Sep 25, 2002 #4,590 at this speed we will reach 10,000 in less than a week
unclehobart New Member Sep 25, 2002 #4,591 You at least need the little posting window here to proceede.
Luis G <i><b>Problemator</b></i> Staff member Sep 25, 2002 #4,596 fury said: I turned off the flood control temporarily. That's why you can't notice it anymore. Click to expand...
fury said: I turned off the flood control temporarily. That's why you can't notice it anymore. Click to expand...
unclehobart New Member Sep 25, 2002 #4,597 It does seem a bit off to just yammer away... talking at you... but not to you... you not answering me... ignoring me... mocking me...
It does seem a bit off to just yammer away... talking at you... but not to you... you not answering me... ignoring me... mocking me...
Luis G <i><b>Problemator</b></i> Staff member Sep 25, 2002 #4,598 btw, fury, you will reach 2,000 soon
Luis G <i><b>Problemator</b></i> Staff member Sep 25, 2002 #4,600 this reminds me of the old times......