The 10,000 Post Thread!

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Well, if you ever feel you never had sufficient magical-ness and food for your imagination as a child, then watch the film all through. Love it so much. Gives me goose-bumps seeing it now, cos I remember being mesmerised by it when I was 6.
I'm going to bed. Can everyone please welcome zenpig, please, thankyou, please. First door on your left, straight to the Lobby.
Magical tingly feelings of childhood were bad parenting-ectomied out of my psyche. A vivid imagination I do have. The emotional connective storerooms within my head are stuffed with scar tissue tapioca and concrete dust.
unclehobart said:
Magical tingly feelings of childhood were bad parenting-ectomied out of my psyche. A vivid imagination I do have. The emotional connective storerooms within my head are stuffed with scar tissue tapioca and concrete dust.



*hugs anyway*
Its like I was abused or anything. They just wernt there. The were such type A gogetters with masters, doctorates, work and whatnot that something had to give. If they were home, they were asleep or studying or working. I was left to my own devices for... hmm.. 17 years.
Just because I am a character does not mean that I have character.

I never had the inclination to be bad even at the worst of times. I was always more happy isolated and tinkering with a small circle of friends. If I were basal evil... I would probably be dead already.
Strength of character doesn't mean being bad. Well, I think you have a character, so there. :D I am a complete loner, btw, so you might not want to listen to me...
unclehobart said:
Just because I am a character does not mean that I have character.

I never had the inclination to be bad even at the worst of times. I was always more happy isolated and tinkering with a small circle of friends. If I were basal evil... I would probably be dead already.
I meant that more as separate thoughts. The first line is out of Pulp Fiction. The second one alludes more to a life of potential watsed away on maliase and bitterness rather than letting the temptations consume me and twist me into something socially vile. I do lean towards good 90% of the time. That would speak towards good character... not fabulous. I just havent found that breakout reason to steamroll out like a paladin and be a full force proactive goody goody. I just have too much of a low opinion of the things around me and things that are me.
unclehobart said:
I just have too much of a low opinion of the things around me and things that are me.

Me too...but then the whole focus of my life always seems to revolve around getting people to look at the themselves and realise stuff that no one usually notices. Probably some kind of self-assurance thing... :rolleyes:

Port Salut cheese.
Self assurance I have. I just find it hard to mull about in a world where 99% of the population are clueless sheep and so quick to jump to anything that smacks of easy riches. People don't want to admit to their failings. Internal focus for most people would reduce them to sobbing jelly.
Sobbing jelly would be a start. People think people are self-conscious beings....HAH! HOW I LAUGH! People don't know shit about people. More internal focus would mean that many of things that cause suffering in this world would immediately seem less important. That includes greed and power-seeking. It would all seem ridiculous in the grand scheme of things.
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