The 10,000 Post Thread!

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I was in school skipping down the hallway yelling the "Holy Hand Grenade" thing from Monthy Python with 2 of my friends...
I think everyone else at ym school thinks im crazy...
:D Monty Python is the best!! :confbang: If I was there, I would have been there yellong along! (or atleast galloping down the halls with two half coconuts!)
My dad used ot have the original Monty Python coconuts. Anyone who went to see Holy Grail when it premired in New York City got them, and my dad was there.
Bah, a mere 101. Luis is still on top, 1144 in this thread alone. I've got a respectable 650, counting this one.
Well the majority of my 650 were done in about a week. Luis's were done one fdrunk night, I think.;)
if it is, remember smokign is bad for you. my brother plays RTCW with the name SmokingISBad4U sometimes...
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