The 10,000 Post Thread!

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this is my post. there i posted in here. sort of. yea. now whats the point to this?? or is a spam thread? spam in the place that you are.
Definition of Wibble

[UK, perh. originally from the first "Roger Irrelevant"
strip in "VIZ" comics] 1. n.,v. Commonly used to describe chatter,
content-free remarks or other essentially meaningless contributions
to threads in newsgroups. "Oh, rspence is wibbling again". 2. [UK
IRC] An explicit on-line no-op equivalent to humma. 3. One of the
preferred metasyntactic variables in the UK, forming a series with
`wobble', `wubble', and `flob' (attributed to the hilarious
historical comedy "Blackadder"). 4. A pronounciation of the letters
"www", as seen in URLs; i.e., may be pronounced
"wibble dot foo dot com" (compare dub dub dub).
The ancestral sense of this word is reported to have been "My
brain is packing it in now. I give up. _Tilt! Tilt! Tilt!_"

* Arris wibbles till the sun comes up
:wibblebang: :headbang:
Almost 3/4 of the way to our goal. Do you think we'll let it die once we get there?
I think it would be neat to lock it down at 9999. It would be our Tower of Babel if you will. Jusssst shy of reaching the forbidden.
It would be a pain to catch it though. I figure that once it gets to within 250 there will be a mad dash rush of posting to get it over the top.
That's what I was thinking too, there will be a pretty good competition to get the 10k spot. Probably even be some pushing and shoving. We may need security guards.
I could probably go on a pointless 3 day tear and get us up about 2500 closer to the goal. ...but it would most likely piss off someone in the food chain under the 'mother of all SPAM' clauses within the power structure and cause much finger pointing and all comentary behind closed doors.
How does "1,000,000 Post Thread Sound"
I hope I can be there when we hit 9,500, then I will spam like hell with unc and everoyne...
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